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In this work, for the first time, an exact solution of the contact problem of interaction with a multilayer base of two semi-infinite stamps, the ends of which are parallel to each other, is constructed. Stamps are assumed to be absolutely rigid, and the distance between them can have any finite value. The task is an important stage in the algorithm for constructing models of a new type of crack in materials of different rheologies. The mechanism of destruction of the medium by cracks of a new type is radically different from the mechanism of destruction of the medium by Griffiths cracks, and has so far been poorly studied. Griffiths formed his cracks with a smooth border as a result of compression from the sides of an elliptical cavity in the plate. Cracks of a new type have a piecewise smooth border, resulting from the replacement of an ellipse with a rectangle compressed from the sides. The problem considered in the article can be considered as the result of the formation of a new type of crack with absolutely rigid banks and deformable lower boundary. Thanks to it, after the solution, it becomes possible to switch to deformable stamps and a crack of a new type in the rheological medium. The solution of this problem turned out to be possible due to the construction of exact solutions of the Wiener–Hopf integral equations on a finite segment. The paper shows how the solution of one of the previously unsolved problems allows us to investigate and solve exactly other problems, to identify previously unknown properties and resonances. As a result of constructing an exact solution to the problem, the fact that the solution of dynamic contact problems for stamp systems is not unique was confirmed and a dispersion equation for finding resonant frequencies was constructed.

About the authors

V. A. Babeshko

Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Kuban State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: babeshko41@mail.ru
Russia, Rostov-on-Don; Russia, Krasnodar

O. V. Evdokimova

Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: babeshko41@mail.ru
Russia, Rostov-on-Don

O. M. Babeshko

Kuban State University

Email: babeshko41@mail.ru
Russia, Krasnodar

M. V. Zaretskaya

Kuban State University

Email: babeshko41@mail.ru
Russia, Krasnodar

V. S. Evdokimov

Kuban State University

Email: babeshko41@mail.ru
Russia, Krasnodar


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Copyright (c) 2023 В.А. Бабешко, О.В. Евдокимова, О.М. Бабешко, М.В. Зарецкая, В.С. Евдокимов

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