Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki

ISSN (print): 2686-7400

Media registration certificate:  № FS 77 - 77142 dated 06.11.2019

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief Garnov Sergey Vladimirovich

Number of issues per year: 6

Indexation: RISC, White List (level 3)

Current Issue

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Access granted  Restricted Access Subscription Access

Vol 514, No 1 (2024)

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Cladding-pumped bismuth-doped fiber lasers operating at a wavelength region of 1.4–1.5 µm
Vakhrushev A.S., Kharakhordin A.V., Alyshev S.V., Khegai A.M., Firstova E.G., Melkumov M.A., Firstov S.V.

This article reports the results on development and study of the output characteristics of bismuth-doped fiber lasers for the near-IR range, which are pumped into a cladding using multimode laser diodes emitting at a wavelength of 808 nm. The active medium of such lasers was bismuth-doped germanosilicate glass fibers with various shapes (circular and square sections) of the inner cladding coated with a polymer having a refractive index of 1.396. On the basis of such fibers, a series of lasers generating radiation in the wavelength range 1.4–1.5 μm was developed, and their spectral and power characteristics were studied. Numerical simulation was also carried out aimed at finding the optimal configuration of such lasers in order to determine the maximum achievable characteristics of these devices. A good agreement between the calculated data and the experimental results has been obtained. As a result, using a bismuth-doped active fiber with a square cross section of ~80 μm and a core diameter of ~11 μm, a fiber laser was created that operated at a wavelength of ~1460 nm, with a slope efficiency of about 5% and a maximum output power of more than 250 mW.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):5-13
pages 5-13 views
Spectral and luminescent characteristics of organic scintillators UPS-923A irradiated with ionizing radiation
Irisov S., Nuritdinov I., Saidahmedov K.K., Esanov Z.U., Yuldashev B.S.

The effect of gamma and electron irradiation on optical and IR absorption, as well as on photoluminescence of samples with a PS polystyrene base and pTP and POPOP additives, has been studied. A decrease in the luminescence intensity of irradiated samples in the ranges of 300–380 nm and 380–500 nm was found, which correlates with changes in the IR absorption spectra of the samples, which is due to the degradation of the structure of the aromatic benzene ring in the matrix of the polymer base and the destruction of additives.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):14-19
pages 14-19 views
Ice rheology exploration based on numerical simulation of low-speed impact
Petrov I.B., Guseva E.K., Golubev V.I., Epifanov V.P.

Ice is a complex heterogeneous medium. Its behavior depends on many factors and changes in different processes. Thus, the problem of the determination of the correct rheological model is still unsolved. In this work low-speed impact on ice by the ball striker is considered. The main focus of the research is the development of the method of the correct model selection based on the computer simulation of the laboratory experiment. The simulation was conducted using the following rheology models: isotropic linear elasticity model, elastoplasticity model with the von Mises and the von Mises-Schleicher yield criteria, elasticity model with elastoplastic inclusion. The governing system of equations is solved using grid-characteristic method. Models’ comparison is performed based on the ball’s velocity and depth of ball’s immersion into the ice. The model parameters’ influence on the results is surveyed. As a result, the parameters that reconstruct the solution close to the experimental results are chosen.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):20-28
pages 20-28 views
Perovskite-based solar cell in tamm plasmon-polariton structure
Pykhtin D.A., Bikbaev R.G., Timofeev I.V., Vetrov S.Y., Shabanov V.F.

The spectral properties of a solar cell with a photosensitive perovskite layer in a structure with a Tamm plasmon polariton localized at the boundary of a gold nanolattice and a one-dimensional photonic crystal are investigated. The influence of the parameters of the golden lattice on the surface current density and the efficiency of the proposed device is investigated. It is shown that when an aluminum substrate is replaced with a photonic crystal, a Tamm plasmon polariton is excited, which provides an increase in the surface current density by 33.7%, and efficiency by 35.1%.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):29-33
pages 29-33 views
Effect of rare-earth ion local anisotropy on macroscopic magnetic properties of (La0.985Ho0.015)3Ga5SiO14 lagnasite
Tikhanovskii A.Y., Ivanov V.Y., Kuzmenko A.M., Mukhin A.A.

Experimental and theoretical studies of the magnetic properties of the unique Ising-like paramagnet (La0.985Ho0.015)3Ga5SiO14 have been carried out. We found magnetic anisotropy in strong magnetic field (up to 5 T) rotated in the ab*, b*c and ac planes at low temperatures (T ≤ 5K). We show that the observed magnetization features are connected with the local orientation and distribution of the Ho3+ Ising axes, which may deviate from the symmetry-allowed directions due to Ga/Si random filling in the local environment of the magnetic ions.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):34-39
pages 34-39 views
Mathematical theory of epidemics and pandemics based on the laws of chain and thermal explosions
Philippov A.A.

The article presents a theory of the spread of the virus, including epidemics and pandemics, based on the theories of chain and thermal explosions, where two parameters were introduced to simulate the spread of the virus in an isolated community of people. A model of a community in the form of a multilayered bulb is proposed, in which the infection process proceeds in layers. The formulas obtained correlate with good accuracy with statistical data on the spread of the virus at stable stages of the pandemic. The validity of the model is confirmed by a combination of the formulas obtained, with a number of simplifications, with the formulas of the chain explosion theory and others. The presented theory is in qualitative agreement with empirical theories – SIR, SIRS and others.

The model may be interesting for epidemiology and exact science, since formulas with new parameters may be in demand for modeling phenomena in other areas of nature. The article shows the connection between the theories of chain and thermal explosions.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):40-45
pages 40-45 views
Effect of residual magnetization corrosion of steel samples
Yakupov S.N., Kantyukov R.R., Gumarov G.G., Yakupov N.M.

The results of experimental studies of the effect of residual magnetization on the corrosion of steel samples in an aqueous medium are presented. Algorithms of research and processing of results are described. Three cases of initial magnetization of samples are considered. It is established that before the critical magnetization of steel samples, the corrosion wear in the aqueous medium decreases, and then begins to grow. The discovered effect is of great theoretical importance in studying the phenomenon of corrosion, taking into account the initial residual magnetization, as well as of great practical importance, in particular, in the design and operation of various structures and structures made of steel to protect them from corrosion destruction.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):46-49
pages 46-49 views


A dynamic model and a new approach to analyzing the success of the soft landing process of a spacecraft with a mechanical landing device
Bakulin V.N., Borzykh S.V.

An approach is proposed to analyze one of the most critical stages of spacecraft operation – the soft landing process, starting from the moment of the first contact of the spacecraft with the ground to its complete stop. It is noted that it is necessary to extinguish the significant kinetic energy that the device possesses at the moment of contact with the surface. The most common type of landing device is considered spring-lever type, including several supports with deformable energy absorbers. Limited opportunities for ground-based experimental testing of the soft landing process lead to the need to use a dynamic model to analyze the success of landing and rational selection of the characteristics of the landing device. The model of the landing process is based on the representation of the vehicle body and its landing device elements as a structurally complex mechanical system of bodies with internal connections, the type of which is determined by restrictions imposed on the relative movement of the system bodies. An approach to the for-mulation of special equations for determining bond reactions that reflects these limitations is presented. The success criteria of the landing process are described. The success analysis of the planting process is illustrated by a specific example.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):50-57
pages 50-57 views
Using Okhotsimsky–Egorov’s method for solving the Euler–Lambert’s problem
Ivashkin V.V.

The solution of the Euler–Lambert’s problem, which consists in constructing an orbit passing through two given points of the central Newtonian gravitational field for a given central transfer angle and a given transfer time, is considered. A method for solving this problem has been investigated, which consists, as suggested by V.A. Egorov, in selecting the angle of inclination of the initial velocity vector of a material point to the transversal, so that the flight time between given points in space is equal to the given one. In this case, setting the specified angle of inclination of the initial velocity to the transversal allows, using the Okhotsimsky formula, to analytically determine the value of this velocity and then determine the entire orbit. It is concluded that this method, which was proposed to be given the name Okhotsimsky–Egorov, can be used as the basis for solving the Euler–Lambert’s problem.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):58-62
pages 58-62 views
Self-oscillating mode in an anomalous thermoviscous liquid flow
Kireev V.N., Mukhutdinova A.A., Urmancheev S.F.

It is known that the flow of liquids with a nonmonotonic dependence of viscosity on temperature (abnormally thermoviscous liquids) in the presence of temperature gradients, for example, when a heated liquid flows into a cooled channel, is accompanied by the formation of a high-viscosity region localized in the flow, which determines the features of its flow. In this paper, the conditions for the occurrence of self-oscillating regimes of flow rate variation during the flow of anomalously thermoviscous liquids in annular channels under the action of a constant pressure drop and under given conditions of heat transfer on the inner and outer walls of the annular channel are determined. It has been found that self-oscillations in the flow rate of an anomalously thermoviscous liquid can occur when flowing in an annular channel, on the walls of which there is an abrupt decrease in the intensity of heat transfer. The region of existence of the self-oscillation mode is determined by the values of the pressure drop and the geometric parameter equal to the ratio of the width of the annular gap to the radius of the inner cylinder. In addition, weakly damped flow rate oscillations with a very small damping decrement were also observed at the boundaries of this region.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):63-69
pages 63-69 views


Development of a new more precise algorithm for computing tidal Love numbers
Amorim D.O., Gudkova T.V.

Tidal Love numbers are often used for studying the interior structure of planets and satellites of the Solar System. Measuring the deformation in response to tidal loading belongs to the methods for probing the interiors. The algorithm for computing tidal deformation depends on a series of assumptions and approximations and, therefore, can differ according to different authors. In this paper we compare the existing methods and, based on them, we propose a new and more precise algorithm for computing the tidal Love numbers of the Earth and other bodies with a similar interior structure.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):70-77
pages 70-77 views
Increasing the efficiency of the use of the energy of a steam explosion in the processing of lignin-cellulose raw materials
Grishnyaev I.N.

An analysis was made of the physical processes occurring during a steam explosion and the exit from the reactor of a stream containing lignocellulosic raw materials and a vapor-liquid medium. It is shown that it is necessary to install a Laval nozzle at the reactor outlet. By selecting the design parameters of the reactor and the Laval nozzle, it is possible to ensure the occurrence of a self-oscillating mode of the vapor-liquid medium in the expanding part of the nozzle. Lignocellulosic raw materials passing through the emerging shocks is subjected to additional impact, which leads to its destruction, an increase in the specific surface area, and, consequently, to an increase in reactivity.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):78-82
pages 78-82 views
On giant amplification of effects of phonon nonspecular reflection at a solitary interface between magnetic and non-magnetic media
Gulyaev Y.V., Sukhorukova O.S., Tarasenko A.S., Tarasenko S.V., Shavrov V.G.

On the secluded interface of semi-infinite magnetic and non-magnetic media, hybridiza-tion of magnetoelastic interaction with inhomogeneous exchange or magneto-dipole interaction can lead to the formation of symmetry-protected bound states in the radiation spectrum of the leaky surface magnon polarons. If a quasi-plane bulk elastic wave falls on the surface of a magnetic medium from outside, and the wave parameters approach to the parameters of the surface “dark” state of the above mentioned type, the nonspecular reflection effects of the first order increase unrestrictedly (in the non-dissipative approximation).

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Fizika, tehničeskie nauki. 2024;514(1):83-90
pages 83-90 views

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