Financial stability risks of the U.S. social security system




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The Social Security program, playing a vital role in reducing poverty among the old aged groups, is facing growing challenges. While the population age structure has been shifting towards an old aged-dependent, the volume of pension benefits has turned to exceed payroll taxes as a financial source of the pension system. The paper points out the role of public pensions as a source of income, especially important for the low-income Americans. Increasing self-sufficiency of the retired persons, their ability to support families; Social Security funds are at the risk of shrinking financial reserves. While payroll tax revenues have increased over the long period; they are not expected to be enough for funding pension benefits after the third decade; if payroll tax stays as it is, without being raised.


Liudmila Lebedeva

Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN)

Moscow, Russian Federation


  1. SSA. Annual Statistical Supplement. 2022. Available at: (accessed 28.12.2022).
  2. Retirement Confidence Survey, EBRI, 2022. Available at: (accessed 10.02.2023).
  3. OECD Employment Outlook. OECD, 2021. Р. 37.
  4. Americans Expect Comfortable Retirement. Gallup. Available at: (accessed 16.01.2023).
  5. Social Security Lifts More People Above the Poverty Line Than Any Other Program, cbpp, April 19, 2022.
  6. The 2022 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors insurance and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds. SSA, 2022, p. 97. Available at: (accessed 06.02.2023).
  7. Population Projections to 2060. U.S. Census Bureau. Current Population Reports. 2020.
  8. and 2022 Trustees Reports. Social Security Board of Trustees, 2022. Available at: (accessed 06.02.2023).
  9. Tax policy. Payroll tax rates. Available at: (accessed 20.12.2022).

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