The Biden administration nuclear posture review: a new vision?



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The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of US doctrinal documents - the Nuclear Posture Reviews of 2018 and 2022. The authors set themselves the objective of determining whether the nuclear threshold has decreased/increased during the Biden administration. Analysis of the corresponding sections of documents leads to the conclusion about continuity between the Reviews. This concerns issues of nuclear modernization, the “tailored deterrence” strategy, and regional aspects of the US nuclear deterrence. The section of the 2022 document devoted to arms control sounds relatively new, however, foreign policy landscape and virtual collapse of the modern arms control architecture do not allow the authors of the doctrine to be optimistic in this matter .

Sobre autores

Oleg Krivolapov

Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, Российская Федерация

Nataliya Stepanova

Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Москва, Российская Федерация


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