Global top films: is there an alternative to Hollywood?



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The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of largest American film companies («majors») in the local and international box office markets. To the study of the geography of most popular films in the world and its content character. The combination of the statistical method with content analysis through the prism of the theoretical framework of cultural and creative industries determines the novelty and relevance of the work. Hollywood continues to play a major role in the creation of the most popular films in the world. Analysis of the content of films revealed the "Hollywood standard" in their creation. The turning point was in 2020s. when for the first time in history China appears among the leaders of the top global films. Despite the fact that most Chinese films gain world-wide popularity only due to local box office, and their plots are often created within the framework of the "Hollywood standard," the size of this country in the film industry has growth prospects.

Sobre autores

Ekaterina Belova

HSE University

Moscow, Russian Federation


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