Vol 5, No 1 (2023)


Aesthetic Dimension of the Creative Industries

Krivolap A.D.


The article deals with the topic of rethinking the Soviet cultural heritage by means of creative industries. It offers a possible approach to working with manifestations of Soviet cultural practices by means of creative industries as a desire to discover a new aesthetics. The theoretical basis is the concept of aesthetic forms by H. Marcuse, as well as the approach of B. Groys, according to which the Sovietness is understood as a great style. The presented data outlines the possibilities of creative industries in the process of rethinking of the Soviet aesthetic forms on the example in the modern Belarusian urban culture.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Utopia as a Form of Social Consciousness: The Problem of Demarcation

Tyugashev E.A.


Based on the typological approach, the interpretation of utopia as an independent form of social consciousness is substantiated. In terms of worldview status, utopia is comparable to art, mythology, science, religion and philosophy. In the typology of forms of social consciousness, utopia is identified as an external reflection of law (“legal worldview”).

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):11-20
pages 11-20 views

“Fight Against Cosmopolitism” in Philosophy: Gorkovsky Case

Korsakov S.N.


In the article, using the example of what happened to the Nizhny Novgorod philosopher I.B. Liogonkiy examines the main components of the practice of the campaign for the “fight against cosmopolitanism” carried out in the post-war Soviet Union at the direction of Stalin. I.B. Liogonky is the first candidate of philosophical sciences who defended his dissertation in the city of Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). In 1949, he was fired from Gorky University and subjected to unjustified persecution as part of a campaign to “fight against cosmopolitanism”. The colleagues of I.B. Liogonky were interested in this, who took his place. The declarations of the campaign to “fight against cosmopolitanism” diverged from the actual practice of the campaign, which took on an anti-Semitic character. The indirect result of this was the erosion of communist ideology in the Soviet Union.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):21-40
pages 21-40 views

About How to Write a Scientific Text: Bruno Latour’s Recommendations

Pantykina M.I.


The article raises the problem of the need to update the methodology of writing scientific texts in the context of the transformation of modern science. A solution to this problem is proposed using the theoretical and methodological capabilities of the actor-network theory. Based on the analysis of the works of the founder of this theory B. Latour, a system of methodological techniques is presented: the method of controversy, description, explanation and translation, which ensure the integration of the processes of conducting research and writing scientific texts. As a result, a conclusion is made about the need for consistent development of B. Latour’s methodology and its approbation in the preparation of scientific personnel.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):41-47
pages 41-47 views

Martin Heidegger: Reflexes of The Picture of the World

Kostetckii V.V.


The essay refutes the idea of M. Haidegger that he will be understood in two hundred years. Heidegger’s texts are quite monotonous in style; at the same time, they are distinguished by a deep rootedness in the little-known intricacies of Aristotelian thought, on the one hand, and concern for the state of modern science, on the other hand. Heidegger deliberately combines the culture of ancient philosophical thinking with the erudition of philological and physical and mathematical sciences, which sometimes requires a share of irony from the reader in the presence of his own competencies.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):48-52
pages 48-52 views

The Review of the Monograph by S.Yu. Kolchigin “Before the Light (Essay on the Philosophy of Russia of the 19th – 21st Centuries)”

Faritov V.T.


The review is devoted to the new monograph of Sergei Yu. Kolchigin, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge, Institute of Philosophy and Political Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Before the Light (Essay on the Philosophy of Russia of the 19th–21st Centuries)”, published in 2021.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):59-64
pages 59-64 views

The Review of the Monograph by V.A. Kutyrev. Man is the Age of Technologies, the Philosophy of Falsehood

Maslov V.M.


In his last major work, V.A. Kutyrev continued to reflect the growing process of humanity’s self-denial in favor of the emerging post-outside-human reality. The seriousness of the situation — the approach of the irrevocable point of singularity — requires the formation of an effective philosophy of resistance. Anthropoconservatism should defend the human at the practical, political level.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):53-58
pages 53-58 views

The Review of the Monograph by V.A. Bazhanov “Cultural Brain – Neuroscience – Mathematics. Listening to I. Kant”

Isaev R.O.


Over the past 20–25 years, significant changes have taken place in the Russian philosophy and methodology of science: philosophers of science are actively exploring new ways to solve the problems facing modern methodology, attracting more and more new subject areas of science. At the same time, the research experience accumulated in the previous period continues to have a serious impact on the current state of the philosophy of science in our country. The author of the monograph skillfully combines the classical gnostic approaches of Kant and modern contexts, thereby revealing the problems of sociocentrism. The appeal in the text of the work to the aesthetic areas of human knowledge looks absolutely logical, given the context of the study of the cultural brain chosen by the author.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):65-68
pages 65-68 views

In Memory of Academician V.S. Stepin. Minsk International Conference

Dzisko-Schumann M.R.


The paper presents a review of the international conference, that was held on November 24, 2022 in Minsk (Republic of Belarus) and dedicated to the memory of Academician V.S. Stepin.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):69-74
pages 69-74 views

Public and Private in the Real and Virtual Space

Pochikaeva A.V.


The article examines how the public and private spheres of life are presented in two spaces: in real and virtual. The concepts of public and private both by classical authors and modern ones are considered. The emphasis in considering the issues of public and private is on the manifestation of these phenomena in the virtual space, where the same mechanisms operate as in the real space, but with special specifics, including the influence of various agents.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):75-82
pages 75-82 views

The Construct in the Context of the Evolution of the Modern Picture of the World

Savenkov E.B.


The current picture of the world has many names: “digital”, “post-non-classical”, “information”, “telecommunications”, etc. However, all of them cannot fully grasp the definition of the world, which leads to the idea that the task of substantiating the picture of the world cannot be connected only with interpretation through technological progress, or quantitative changes in the material world. The starting point of the author’s reasoning in the presented article is the thesis that the digital picture of the world is a field of constructs, which means that this field cannot be purely empirical. In other words, it opens up opportunities for discussing reality in terms of its constructiveness, not virtuality. This article is of an overview nature and is intended to indicate new areas of development of philosophy.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):83-86
pages 83-86 views

The Influence of Media on Modern Reality: Theoretical Aspects of Media Philosophy and Media Reality

Romadanova S.V.


Modern stage of society development is characterized by media penetration into almost in all spheres of life and human activity. Media develops rapidly and changes reality. There is a concept called “media reality”. Article is devoted to philosophical understanding of media influence on modern reality, their ability to transform attitudes in society. Theoretical aspects of modern media theories and media philosophies are considered.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(1):87-92
pages 87-92 views

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