Volume 5, Nº 1 (2023)


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Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):4-4
pages 4-4 views

Theoretical research

The concept of «context» in «Problems of Dostoevsky’s Creative Art» (1929) and «Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics» (1963) by Mikhail Bakhtin

Vieira de Camargo Grillo S.


This article is epistemological in nature. It analyzes the concept of “context” in the works by M.M. Bakhtin “Problems of Dostoevsky’s Creative Art” (1929) and “Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics” (1963). The relevance of the chosen topic is largely due to the growing interest of linguists in the analyzed concept. Thus, the article highlights the theories of context developed in the interpretive semantics of François Rastier and in the critical discourse analysis of Thön van Dyck. In Bakhtin’s works mentioned above, notion of “context” is central; the thinker considers out-of-verbal and verbal context. At the same time, both contexts are mediated by artistic architectonics, form, vision or artistic will of the author.

Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):5-13
pages 5-13 views

Translation, research, and reception of M.M. Bakhtin’s book “Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics” in China

Liu M.


The article deals with the history of translation and reception of the "Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics" by M.M. Bakhtin in China from 1981 to the present. Consistently building the chronology of the book's editions, indicating the names of scientists and translators, the author shows the role of Bakhtin's monograph in the formation of Chinese humanities.

Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):14-19
pages 14-19 views


The educational regime of the Bakhtinian dialogue

Matusov E.


Today dialogue-oriented educational theorists and practitioners are attracted to Bakhtin's notion of dialogue. In my article, I identify the five main features of Bakhtin's dialogue and consider what kind of educational mode is formed on its basis. The result of the article is a problematization of Bakhtin's dialogue and the educational practice associated with it.

Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):20-33
pages 20-33 views

Bakhtin and Kirpotin: on a page from the Russian history of the reception of M.M. Bakhtin’s personality and ideas

Dubrovskaya S., Strukova A.


The reconstruction of the domestic reception of M.M. Bakhtin’s personality and ideas is an important part of modern Bakhtin Studies. One of its components is the construction of individual trajectories of Bakhtinian reception. The purpose of this article is to investigate the perception of M.M. Bakhtin’s personality and ideas by the famous Soviet literary scholar V.Ya. Kirpotin. Using material from the scholar’s archive, his memoirs and epistolary, and his works of the 1960s and 1970s, the authors identify the specifics of Kirpotin’s views on the polyphonic novel, reproduce his private statements, and recall the role of the literary scholar in the Bakhtin defense.

The correspondence between Kirpotin and Kozhinov reconstructs an episode related to the publication of M.M. Bakhtin's biography essay in the collection “Problems of Poetics and History of Literature” (Saransk, 1973).

Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):34-45
pages 34-45 views

M.M. Bakhtin about A.S. Puskin

Schultz S.


Bakhtin draws the outlines of a rather flexible and integral interpretation of Pushkin's work. There are three main semantic knots in which Bakhtin comprehends Pushkin. The first one is based on the value-philosophical approach and is associated with the dialogical idea of interpenetration of personal value-ideological contexts and horizons of the author and characters. The second is devoted to novel poetics and prose. The third is related to the theory of carnival. Despite the frequent intention of illustrativeness in relation to the researcher's own philosophical and philological idea, Bakhtin's characteristics contribute a lot to our understanding of the organics of Pushkin's world. On the other hand, Pushkin's work acquires an illuminating significance for understanding Bakhtin's concepts. Bakhtin's Pushkin studies reveal with particular clarity the hermeneutic nature of Bakhtin's method: the interpretation of a text is born from the historically meaningful subjectivity of the interpreter. Let us call this subjectivity responsible: it is responsible insofar as it is marked by such features as the scale of thought and the depth of penetration into the subject. At the same time, this subjectivity is rooted in the organic, living movements of the event of being, in a specially interpreted hermeneutic pre-understanding-horizon.

Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):46-55
pages 46-55 views

Linguistic means of creating the comic in the epistolary discourse of A.S. Pushkin

Tsyganov D.


The article presents an analysis of phraseological units and occasionalisms involved in the representation of the comic in the epistolary discourse of A.S. Pushkin, describes the mechanisms of their use by the author when creating a language game in letters of a friendly and literary-critical orientation. The results of the study allow us to assess the current state of this issue in Russian science, to outline the prospects for its further consideration.

Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):56-61
pages 56-61 views

Problems of the biography of M.M. Bakhtin

Elena Alexandrovna Bakhtina in the memoirs of Saransk residents

Klyueva I., Lisunova L.


The article introduces into scientific circulation oral memoirs about the wife of Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin, Elena Aleksandrovna Bakhtina (nee Okolovich). The people who communicated with her in Saransk in 1945–1969 were interviewed by the authors in the 1980s – 2000s. Fragments of published memoirs of contemporaries about the Bakhtin spouses are also used. The results obtained allow us to clarify some details of Bakhtin’s biography, to get a more voluminous idea of his personality. The article continues a series of publications prepared on the basis of the memoirs of residents of Saransk and the Republic of Mordovia about Bakhtin.

Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):62-80
pages 62-80 views

Reviews, scientific chronicles

Polyphonic Bakhtin dialogue. (Review of the monograph “Bakhtin. Saransk. Bakhtin” by N.I. Voronina)

Sirotina I.


In the article, the author presents a new monograph by professor N.I. Voronina, evaluating the polyphonic Bakhtin dialogue that the reader has with the main character of the book, with his time and, of course, with the city of Saransk, in which the thinker lived for a quarter of a century. The book presents first published memoirs and archival materials.

Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):81-83
pages 81-83 views

«Bakhtin. Saransk. Bakhtin»: Review of the monograph by N.I. Voronina

Poelueva L.


The article notes that the Russian Bakhtin Studies have been replenished with a bright original research. In her monograph «Bakhtin. Saransk. Bakhtin», a well-known Russian culturologist, director of the M.M. Bakhtin Center in Saransk, professor N.I. Voronina presents to the scientific community the «Bakhtin’s chronotope» in the symbolic space of the city where the outstanding thinker of the XXth century lived for a quarter of a century and which can rightfully be considered the city-heir of his ideas.

Russian Journal of Bakhtin Studies. 2023;5(1):84-85
pages 84-85 views

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