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Vol 87, No 6 (2023)

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Editors’ Foreword

Barabanova E.A., Chernogaeva G.M., Koronkevich N.I.
Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):783-785
pages 783-785 views


Valdai Hills as the Cradle of the Volga River

Tishkov A.A.


The role of the Valdai Hills and the Valdai Lake area in ensuring the fullness of the sources of the Volga River and its current trends against the background of climate change is presented. It is shown that the “water-making functions” of the upland landscape are initially determined by two general properties of the relief: its invariance as a “framework of life” and its changeable evolution under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors. The “Cradle of the Volga” in relation to the Valdai Hills and specifically the Baltic-Caspian watershed is a set of conditions that allow the formation of runoff in the upper reaches of the river. Among the main ones that determine the conservation of runoff in the average annual volume are the state of rivers, lakes, and swamps, the minimization of anthropogenic impacts (regulation of runoff, plowing, catchment, deforestation, development and pollution of the coastline, etc.), and, in general, nature protected areas (creation of them at the source of the river). Based on the materials from the monitoring of the climate and hydrological regime of the region carried out by the Valdai branch of the State Hydrological Institute (Valdai), the main trends of the Volga River runoff factors in the upper reaches have been identified. The share of water-regulating, water-saving, and assimilation functions in the total volume of ecosystem services in the landscapes of the Valdai Hills is shown. It is concluded that the modern growth of recreational impact on the catchments of the sources of the Volga River can reduce the positive effect of the functioning of nature protected areas on them. The priority issues in preserving the “cradle of the Volga” should be the regulation of recreational loads on the landscapes of the Valdai Hills, rehabilitation of disturbed forest ecosystems, and monitoring of the volume and quality of runoff.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):786-803
pages 786-803 views

The Volga River Water Runoff in Warm Epochs

Georgiadi A.G., Milyukova I.P.


Similarities and differences in climatic conditions (air temperature and precipitation), annual and seasonal runoff, as well as hydrographs of the Volga River runoff near Volgograd in the epochs of global warming in the geological past, the period of modern warming (since 1981), and the scenario global warming in the 21st century are revealed. Changes in the runoff of the geological past and the scenario future were estimated on the basis of the monthly water balance model developed at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the equation of the average long-term water balance. The results of traditional and model paleoclimatic reconstructions and climate scenarios of global warming in the 21st century were used as climatic conditions for assessing changes in runoff. Modern long-term changes in the Volga River runoff are analyzed on the basis of ideas about long-lasting contrasting phases. As a result of the analysis, it is shown that the annual Volga River runoff in the conditions of the warm epochs of the Mikulinsky interglacial and the Atlantic optimum of the Holocene (based on traditional paleoclimatic reconstructions) was lower than the modern one. Whereas, according to model paleoclimatic reconstructions of the warm epochs of the Holocene, climatic scenarios of anthropogenic warming, as well as in the conditions of modern global warming, the annual runoff of the Volga River is higher than in the base period. Significant differences in the changes in the seasonal distribution of the Volga River runoff between all the considered warm epochs were revealed. The different nature of these changes is characteristic of the warm epochs of the paleoepochs and in the conditions of scenario climatic changes in the 21st century. At the same time, changes in the seasonal distribution during modern global warming are similar to those that can be expected with scenario warming in the first third and middle of the current century (except snowmelt flood runoff). A close correlation was revealed between the anomalies of changes in the annual air temperature and the annual amount of precipitation in all the considered warm epochs. During the period of instrumental observations, the long-term phases of the increased or decreased water runoff of the Volga River are synchronous with the corresponding phases of the index of the North Atlantic oscillation and the periods of increase and decrease in the annual levels of the Caspian Sea.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):804-824
pages 804-824 views

On the Ratio of Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors in the Change of the Volga River Runoff

Koronkevich N.I., Georgiadi A.G., Barabanova E.A., Kashutina E.A., Milyukova I.P.


Two variants (methods) were used to calculate the contribution of anthropogenic and climatic factors to the change in the annual and seasonal runoff of the Volga River at Volgograd during periods of significant anthropogenic impact on waters (1930–2020 and 2011–2020) compared with the conditionally natural period of runoff formation (1879–1929). The first is based on comparing the anthropogenic change in runoff due to the influence of reservoirs and irretrievable water consumption with the total change in runoff for the comparison periods. In the second variant, the reconstructed conditionally natural runoff during periods of significant anthropogenic impact is compared with the total change in runoff, calculated by the relationship between the Volga River runoff and the runoff of rivers that are indicators of climatic conditions. It is assumed that climatic changes are mainly of natural origin. It is revealed that the influence of anthropogenic and climatic factors on the overall decrease in the annual runoff of the Volga River in comparison with the conditionally natural period is unidirectional and comparable. Both variants of the calculation give similar values for the ratio of anthropogenic and climatic factors in the total change in runoff in the 1930–2020 period. There are more significant differences in the calculations for the 2011–2020 period and in the assessment of seasonal changes, most noticeably manifested in the spring flood and in the winter. Anthropogenic and climatic factors act in the same direction, reducing the flow of the spring flood and increasing it in the winter, mainly due to anthropogenic factors. The existing differences in the ratio of factors can largely be explained by landscape transformations in the Volga River basin, including in river basins that are indicators of climatic conditions. The impact of such transformations on runoff is not taken into account in water management statistics, although in recent decades different types of economic activities in watersheds have largely offset each other in their impact on runoff. The share of anthropogenic factors in the Volga River runoff changes can vary widely depending on the type of water resources use which is be not always rational.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):825-834
pages 825-834 views


Energy Efficiency Assessment of the Upper Volga and Kama Cascades of Reservoirs at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Yasinsky S.V., Sobol I.S., Khokhlov D.N., Fasakhov M.A., Shaydulina A.A.


Basic information about the Upper Volga and Kama cascades of reservoirs is presented: water surface area, full and useful volume capacity, and average project power generation. The contribution of the considered cascades to the power generation of the entire Volga−Kama cascade of reservoirs is estimated. Data series have been generated on the annual inflow, discharge of water through hydroelectric facilities, and generation of electricity from 2002 to 2021, for several stations from 2004 to 2022. The relationship between the area of reservoirs and their capacity is shown, as well as the generation of electricity with the water content of individual years and periods. A relationship has been established between the inflow of water into the reservoirs and its discharge through the turbines of the hydroelectric power plants. Particular attention is paid to the Rybinsk reservoir, which performs over-year water storage. The generation of electricity in high-water, medium-water, and low-water years is calculated. The deviation of the actual electricity generation from the average design was estimated, based on which a conclusion was made about the efficiency of the hydroelectric power plants. The probability of electricity generation is determined depending on the predicted values of the river runoff.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):835-846
pages 835-846 views

Water Consumption and Water Discharge in the Volga River Basin and Their Impact on Water Quality

Demin A.P.


The purpose of the study is to assess the change in the volumes of water consumption and wastewater disposal in the basin of the Volga River and its main tributaries in the 1990–2021 period due to changing conditions, as well as their impact on water quality. The data of Federal Agency for Water Resources on various water management indicators and the data of the automated information system for state monitoring of water bodies were used as source materials. To assess the quality of surface waters, materials from regional environmental departments and Rospotrebnadzor were involved. The data of regional federal state budget institutions were used to assess the state of irrigated agricultural land. It was revealed, that from 1990 to 2021 freshwater intake in the basin of the Volga River decreased by 2.3 times. The water turnover ratio increased from 79.5 to 86.7%. In recent years, an increase in the area of irrigated land has begun. The average daily specific water consumption per inhabitant has decreased in all regions as a result of the introduction of water meters and water-saving equipment in housing and communal services. It was revealed that the share of polluted waters in the total volume of discharged waters decreased from 47.3% in 1990 to 43.4% in 2021, but it increased in the basins of many Volga tributaries. Only every sixth cubic meter of polluted water is now cleaned up to standards. It has been established that the amount of the main pollutants discharged with wastewater has decreased ten times over the 1990–2021 period. Although there has been a significant increase in the capacity of treatment facilities over the years of the federal project “Improvement of the Volga” (2019–2021), six of the 12 most important substances have seen an increase in pollution over this period. Despite a decrease in the controlled mass of incoming pollutants, there is generally no improvement in surface water quality, which indicates an increase in pollution from diffuse sources and, possibly, bottom sediments.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):847-861
pages 847-861 views

Water Problems of the Lower Volga: Main Factors and Compensating Measures

Bolgov M.V., Belyaev A.I.


The article presents an overview of the main hydrological and water management tasks and problems that have arisen in recent decades on the Lower Volga because of the construction and operation of the Volga-Kama cascade of reservoirs, anthropogenic changes in runoff as a result of economic activity, and the consequences of poorly predictable climatic changes. It is shown that the hydrological regime in the lower reaches of the Volga River has undergone significant changes, both as a result of regulation of runoff by reservoirs and due to climatic changes. The observed changes in flow fluctuations have led to serious changes in the aquatic environment and the entire ecosystem of the river. A number of negative consequences were predicted during the development of reservoir cascade projects, and the construction and operation processes were accompanied by the implementation of a set of compensatory measures of a fisheries’ nature. Nevertheless, the functioning of a complex water management system and insufficient attention to environmental problems led to the emergence of new environmental, technical, and scientific problems that required an integrated approach for their solution, and the effectiveness of the planned measures turned out to be insufficient. The study of the consequences of seasonal regulation of runoff by reservoirs, changes in the estimates of water resources, the involvement of new methods of studying the hydrological system, including multi-arm channels, and the analysis of anthropogenic-altered river sections allowed to obtain new results but at the same time to formulate a block of unresolved scientific problems. Among such problems, there is a need to solve such engineering and hydrological tasks as increasing the feasibility of forecasts of inflow to reservoirs, long-term forecasting of long-term fluctuations in runoff under conditions of ongoing climate change, obtaining up-to-date estimates of negative processes—deformation of riverbeds under anthropogenic impact. The latter is very important for the downstream of the Volgograd Hydroelectric Power Station. In terms of predicting the behavior of the ecosystems of the Lower Volga, with an assessment of their stability, further development of methods for assessing permissible impacts, the development of monitoring systems for their condition is required. The management of the Volga-Kama cascade of reservoirs is a complex scientific and technical task. Today, this management is carried out on the basis of dispatching rules dating back more than a dozen years. It is shown that modern management should be based on a coordinated system of priorities, including environmental criteria. The required optimization formulation of the task of finding optimal cascade control can be based, for example, on the search for a compromise solution at the level of agreement of the parties. A set of environmental and water management problems unsolvable for decades has been formed in the northern part of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain as well as in the zone of the Western-subtidal ilmens (system of lakes in the Volga River Delta). To solve these problems, new methods of studying ecological systems under severe anthropogenic stress and appropriate engineering approaches that allow a comprehensive approach to achieving sustainable water resources management are considered. The problem of poorly predictable fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea and the problem of water resource management in the region in conditions of conflicting interests of users are touched upon. The main measures are discussed, whose implementation will mitigate the consequences of flow regulation for the ecosystem of the Lower Volga. Among the important system principles, the need for a basin approach is noted, which involves, at a minimum, the development of a General Scheme for the Use of Water Resources of the Volga River.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):862-874
pages 862-874 views


Integral Assessment of Water Quality in the Volga River Basin According to Monitoring Data in the 21st Century

Chernogaeva G.M., Zhuravleva L.R., Malevanov Y.A.


The Volga River has been the main Russian river for several centuries. The river, originating on the Valdai Hills, crosses several natural and climatic zones on its way to the Caspian Sea: from the southern taiga to the dry steppes of the Caspian Lowland. According to the latest data, 45% of industrial enterprises and 50% of agricultural production in Russia are concentrated in the river basin. The anthropogenic load on the river with its tributaries and their basins significantly exceeds the load on other large Russian rivers. The largest contaminated wastewater volumes fall on the share of Moscow, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Saratov, Ufa, Volgograd, Balakhna, Tolyatti, Ulyanovsk, Cherepovets, Naberezhnye Chelny and other large cities. All these negative processes occur against the background of ongoing climate change. The article analyzes the Roshydromet hydrochemical monitoring data of river waters in the Volga River basin for the 2000–2021 period by water bodies and federal subjects. Regardless of the year water content, almost 70% of hydrochemical monitoring stations in the Volga River basin correspond to the third quality class (“polluted”). An integral assessment of the water quality in the Volga River basin shows that the situation has not changed significantly since the end of the last century. To improve the ecological condition of the Volga River basin, it is necessary to implement a set of measures for the protection and reproduction of water resources in catchment areas, rationalize water use systems, and reduce the volume of freshwater intake. Reducing water consumption is a necessary condition for reducing the wastewater volume discharged and, consequently, the number of pollutants contained in it. One of the problems is that almost all types of water use harm the surface waters’ natural quality, including the Volga River basin.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):875-884
pages 875-884 views

Long-Term Changes Reconstruction in Two Upper Volga Reservoirs Based on the Bottom Sediments Comprehensive Analysis Data

Razumovskii L.V., Kushnareva T.N., Razumovskii V.L., Anisimova A.V.


The paper presents a new research program for assessing long-term transformations occurring in reservoirs. To assess the prospects of the proposed studies, the Ivankovo and Rybinsk reservoirs were selected due to their advanced age, the power of accumulated deposits, and the degree of study. The novelty of the research consisted of the joint analysis of the results of phytoplankton complexes biomonitoring and the analysis of the diatom complexes species composition from the bottom sediments columns. At the same time, the analysis of the waters and samples chemical composition from the bottom sediments columns was carried out. The absence of redeposition processes during the formation of sediments at the sampling points was confirmed by the method of taxonomic proportions graphical analysis in diatom complexes. This determines the reliability of the diatom and chemical analysis results’ comparison of the bottom sediments. The results of the water quality assessment by two indexes are considered according to the monitoring data: the saprobity index S and the integral water quality index QI. The expected seasonal repeatability of the numerical values of S and QI is stated. Similar calculations were carried out for indicator species from diatom complexes in the bottom sediments columns samples. The processes of water quality deterioration according to the above-mentioned indexes are noted. As a result of the research conducted, the optimal location of bottom sediments column sampling points in the Rybinsk and Ivankovo reservoirs was established. During the formation of reservoirs, the lakes located on their territory were flooded. The resulting morphometric bottom relief determined those relict lakes’ locations as zones of stable sedimentation. According to the comprehensive studies results, long-term negative processes caused by anthropogenic load have been confirmed in the investigated reservoirs.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):885-898
pages 885-898 views

Methane Concentration and Fluxes in Volga River Reservoirs

Grechushnikova M.G., Mol’kov A.A., Efimov V.A., Stepanenko V.M., Sokolov D.I., Lomov V.A., Agafonova S.A., Frolova N.L., Repina I.A., Kapustin I.A.


The paper presents the results of methane flux and its concentration measurements in the reservoirs of the Volga cascade: Ivankovskoye, Rybinskoye, Gorkovskoye, Kuybyshevskoye, and Volgogradskoye reservoirs. The article summarizes the materials from the 2017–2023 seasonal observations archive. Measurements of the gas flux were carried out by the floating chamber method, the methane concentration determination in the samples was carried out by the headspace method. The spatial and seasonal variability of both methane content and its emissions depending on the coefficient of water exchange, weather conditions, the nature of bottom sediments, and depth was revealed. High values of methane concentration and methane flux are observed in the presence of stratification, while during vertical mixing, the flux values decrease significantly. The highest methane flux values are characteristic of the heavily populated by macrophytes shallow Shoshinskiy reach of the Ivankovskoye reservoir (up to 334 mgC-CH4/(m2 day)), the flooded left bank floodplain of the Gorkovskoye reservoir (up to 548 mgC-CH4/(m2 day)), where they are associated with weak flow and intra-mold circulation, and also for Chesnava bay of the Rybinskoye reservoir (up to 1086 mgC-CH4/(m2 day)), associated with anthropogenic pollution and low flow rates. In the bays of Kuybyshevskoye and Volgogradskoye reservoirs that receive inflows with increased mineralization, stratification may increase due to density stratification, the formation of zones with oxygen deficit, and increase in methane flux despite the small amount of organic matter in sediments. The example of the Gorkovskoye reservoir shows the effect of the dam on the spatial structure of methane flux and concentration. Comparison with generalized data on specific methane flows from moderate water reservoirs showed that in the Volga cascade, these values are lower in all months of the open water period except August.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):899-913
pages 899-913 views


Hydrometeorological Parameters of the Marine Environment in the Russian Sector of the Caspian Sea under Changing Climate

Ostrovskaya E.V., Gavrilova E.V., Gontovaya I.V., Tatarnikov V.O., Ocheretnyi M.A.


The paper summarizes the data from long-term observations of hydrometeorological parameters in the Caspian macro-region. The average annual air temperature over the past 30 years at stations in the Russian part of the Caspian Sea has increased by 1.0°C and the temperature of the surface water layer by 0.3°C. Currently, the total river runoff into the sea is about 275 km3. The volume of annual runoff from all rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea went down in the 1996–2020 period compared to the 1961–1990 period. The intensity of the decrease in river runoff in the 1996–2020 period averaged 0.12 km3 per year, while the flow of the Volga and Kura rivers decreased most intensively. In conditions of warming and decreasing river runoff, the Caspian Sea level continues to decline, which began in the late 1990s. Due to increasing water scarcity in the Volga River, the level of the Caspian Sea is going down. The trend started in the late 1990s. By the beginning of 2023, the average sea level had reached –28.70 m abs, which is about 2 m lower compared to the level in 1995. The drained coastal territories are assessed at more than 22 thous. km2, mainly in the northern shallowest part of the sea. The changes in the wind regime and the observed increase in the average monthly and yearly wind speeds are compared against those in the standard reference period (1961–1990). It has been established that the easterly and westerly winds, which cause storm surges with devastating impact on coastal territories, have the greatest repeatability. The statistics of surges observed at four marine stations are given for the 2010–2021 period. The amplitude of the wind-induced level fluctuations in the Lagan area reaches a maximum value of 3.0–3.5 m, while it is about 1 m in Makhachkala. An analysis of the seasonal variability of surges is also given.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):914-929
pages 914-929 views

Long-Term Changes in the Level of the Caspian Sea and Modern Options for Their Forecasting

Ermakov V.B.


Various approaches to the study and forecast of long-term changes in the average annual level of the Caspian Sea are considered. Within the framework of the most common methods, it is considered that such estimates are possible only in a probabilistic sense since the main components of the seawater balance behave randomly. However, for the majority of consumers, a specifically designated perspective of a level change and a justification for the answer to the question are important: if there is another significant change, then how long and to what extreme value does it continue? With the accumulation of data on the dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean parameters, including the results of space monitoring, there are more and more reports on the identification of multidecadal recurrence in their time series. Over the past years, attempts have been repeatedly made, based on the study of sea level dynamics, to identify cyclical components within its time series in order to use them both to describe sharp declines and rises that occurred earlier and to predict similar changes in the future. Data analysis in this case consists of searching for such periods of variability within which the requirements of limited periodic composition and stability of the components that form the time series would be met. With the help of a specially created software environment, a study of a series consisting of historical and modern data on observations of the level of the Caspian Sea over the past 230 years was carried out in order to identify stable periodicities and build an approximating polynomial with their help. It is shown that in this time interval, in addition to the centuries-old trend, there are two clearly expressed quasi-cyclical components. The approximation made using them well describes the entire previous dynamics of the level up to 2021 and can be used as a basis for constructing forecast estimates.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2023;87(6):930-940
pages 930-940 views

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