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Diretrizes para Autores

The journal Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya geograficheskaya accepts for publication scientific articles on topical problems of physical and social geography and the history of science. The articles should contain the most substantial research results that have never been published anywhere and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal also posts chronicles of major geographical symposia, conferences, and meetings; reviews on the most important new geographical works; and jubilee and memorial articles about outstanding geographers. No fee is charged for publications. Manuscripts should be sent by e-mail:, to the editorial office address (119017, Moscow, Staromonetnyj per., 29, Institute of Geography RAS), and registered at the Journal site on the page Online Submissions The editorial board asks authors to prepare their articles in compliance with the instructions below. The articles finalized contrary to the instructions will be returned to the authors without consideration of the merits.

  1. General Instructions

When sending a manuscript to the journal, the author guarantees that the respective material has not been published anywhere and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. To accept an article, the editorial board of the journal should have the manuscript; a cover letter from the authors; and the agreement between the publisher and the author(s), filled up and signed by the author and all the coauthors. The authorship agreement enters into force under the condition and from the time of acceptance of an article for publication. The files of the manuscript, agreements signed, and covering documents shall be submitted as one archive. Additional heavy files (for example, the original files of illustrations) may be submitted to the editorial board after the article has been accepted for publication. Within a week after an article has been received by the editorial board, the authors shall be notified about its receipt, the notification stating the date of registration. After the publication, the editorial board shall e-mail the PDF file of the article to the author.


  1. Manuscript Structure and Style
  2. The size of an article (the text, tables, references, and figures) shall not exceed one author’s signature (40 000 printed characters including spaces). The size of chronicles and other notes, as well as that of reviews, is usually 0.25 author's signature.
  3. The text should be computer typed with the observance of the following parameters: font Times New Roman of 14 pt, 1.5 line spacing, without hyphenation at the end of a line of print. The parameters of the margins are as follows: 2 cm at top and bottom, 3 cm left, and 1.5 cm right; for margin adjustment, see below; and indentation is 1.25 cm set by a special regime (the use of the tab and space keys is inadmissible for this purpose).

The names of programs, projects, grants, foundations, etc. that supported the work in question (if any) and acknowledgments (if any) shall follow the text of the article.

All article materials are grouped into a single consolidated Word file in the following sequence (with continuous page numbering):

  1. universal decimal classification (UDC);
  2. article's title;
  3. initials and last name(s) of author(s);
  4. name of institution where author works, city, country; in case of several authors, each last name and corresponding institution are superscripted with numbers (if all authors work in one institution, it is mentioned only once);
  5. e-mail address(es) of author(s) responsible for correspondence;
  6. abstract;
  7. keywords;
  8. text of article;
  9. references in Russian;
  10. references in English;
  11. figure captions;
  12. tables;
  13. figures;
  14. detailed author(s) credentials;
  15. article's title in English;
  16. transliterated (in Latin script) initials and last name(s) of author(s);
  17. place(s) of work of author(s), city, country in English;
  18. abstract in English; and
  19. keywords in English.

Materials on page shall be placed as follows:

  • – UDC is left-justified;
  • – texts enlisted above (2–5, 15–17) are centered;
  • – texts enlisted above (6–11, 14, 18, 19) are width aligned;
  • – figure captions start on a new page;
  • – each table is given on a separate page, table's title with its number (for example, Table 1) is placed before the table;
  • – each figure is given on a separate page; its number (for example, Fig. 1) is given under the figure.
  1. Each figure should also be submitted as a separate JPG/TIFF/EPS/CDR file (if in EPS/CDR formats, it is also necessary to duplicate the figures in the JPG format). Graphs and diagrams should be accompanied (if possible) by a file that contains initial data in the Excel format.
  2. Translation/transliteration of relevant materials of the article (10, 15–19) should be fulfilled by the authors under their responsibility. An English translation is to be performed efficiently, using the English-language specialized terminology. The editorial board conducts a formal verification of compliance of translation/transliteration with materials in Russian and quality assessment. In case of low quality of the translation/transliteration editorial board will send relevant materials to the authors for revision.

III. Characteristics of materials submitted by author(s)

  1. Article's title should be specific and informative to the maximum.
  2. Abstract (in Russian and in English) serves as the main source of information about the article in Russian and foreign information systems and databases that index the journal. Abstracts in both languages (along with the article's title, authors' last names, keywords, and references in Russian and in English) are posted on the journal's website for public inspection in the Internet and are indexed by search engines. It should be understandable without applying to the article's text.

Abstract's key characteristics: a) self-descriptiveness (no descriptive generalizations); b) intentionality and consistency (in reflecting the main content of the article, including problem statement, research methods, major findings, and their importance); c) size (in Russian), no fewer than 120 and no more than 250 words. The abstract should not repeat data contained in the article's title or have references to other works. We call special attention to the fact that the abstract describes not the research conducted but the results obtained. In addition, neither the results should be exaggerated, nor the abstract should contain material absent in the article's text. It should be clear from the abstract what questions were posed for research and what answers were obtained.

  1. Keywords (about 10 words and/or short word combinations) should reflect the main content of the article, should not repeat the terms in the heading, and should use terms from the text of the article that will help find the article using information search engines.
  2. Article's text should be structured according to the following plan: problem statement, methods, results, discussion, conclusions. Article sections should have subheadings. The uniformity of terms should be observed; the same thing should not be called differently. Abbreviations, except for those commonly used, should be avoided (if possible). If, nevertheless, abbreviations are used, they should be deciphered in text at the first mention; it is acceptable to use only generally accepted abbreviation without deciphering.

Footnotes are to be numbered continuously (not page-by-page).

References to all figures and tables should be given in text. At the first reference, Fig. 1, Table 1; at subsequent references, see Fig. 1, see Table 1. If an article has only one table or only one figure, in-text references are given as follows: at the first reference, Table, Figure; at second reference, see Table, see Figure. All works mentioned in the References section of the article should be referenced in the main text. A reference in text to the number in References is bracketed; if a citation is given in text, the reference number of the source is separated by a comma and followed by a page number of the source, for example, [7, p. 34].

  1. References should reflect adequately the status of the problem under investigation and should not be superfluous. They should refer to accessible sources and should be thoroughly verified by the author(s). Only those sources that are listed according to the bibliographic rules can be registered adequately by information systems and databases.

Article's materials should have two identically composed lists of references: the first (traditional for Russian-language journals) lists all sources used in the article in the language of the original (Russian, etc.) and the second (References) lists all sources used in the article in Latin script (for details, see below). The References section is posted on the journal's website. Sources in the first list of references are numbered and listed alphabetically: first, works in Russian (and other languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet), then, in languages that use the Latin alphabet (in the English-alphabet sequence). Note that the second list of references in Latin script (References) strictly preserves the same sequence (and numbers, respectively) of sources as in the traditional list. All references to foreign sources are given in both lists of references. Specifics of listing sources in References in Latin References in Latin script lists datelines according to international rules that allow automated information systems to recognize sources.

Examples of References format:

Barinov A.Yu. Geomorphologic assessment of the rainstorm mudflow hazard on the Black Sea coast. Extended Abstract of Cand. Sci. (Geogr.) Dissertation. Moscow: Moscow State Univ., 2009. 26 p. (In Russ.).

Belonovskaya E.A., Krenke A.N. Jr, Tishkov A.A., and Tsrevskaya N.G. Natural and anthropogenic fragmentation of vegetation cover of Valdai Lake region. Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Geogr., 2014, no. 5, pp. 67–82. (In Russ.).

Vereshchagin N.K. Ot ondatry do mamonta. Put’ zoologa (From the Musk Rat to the Mammoth: A Way  Zoologist). St. Petersburg: Asterion Publ., 2002.


Teoreticheskie osnovy rekreatsionnoi geografii (Theoretical Principles of Recreational Geography), Preobrazhenskii V.S., Ed. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1975.

Treivish A.I. The shrinkage of space: interpretation and models, in Szhatie sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo prostranstva: novoe v teorii regional’nogo razvitiya i praktike ego gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya (Shrinkage of Socioeconomic Space: New in the Theory of Regional Development and Practice of State Regulation). Moscow: Eslan, 2010, pp. 16–31. (In Russ.).

Barbier B. Les résidences secondaires et l'espace rural français. Norois, 1977, no. 24 (95), pp. 11–20.

Coppock J.T. and Duffield B.S. Recreation in the Countryside: A Spatial Analysis. London: Macmillan; N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1975.

Second homes: curse or blessing? Coppock J.T., Ed., Pergamon Press, 1977.

  1. Figures dashed and half-toned (maximum 3-4) should be made in black and white variant. Authors seeking publication with color figures can do so by signing a special contract with the publishing house and pay for its services. Electronic version of figures should be, as a rule, in JPEG, TIFF with resolution not less than 300 dpi, or in CDR. All images, schemes, diagrams, maps should be clearly performed in the size providing all details clarity. Text on figures should be replaced by numbers and word index, if possible, with legend given in text or under figures.
  2. There should be additional information necessary for journal processing in the Russian Science Citation Index about every author: full name in English and in Russian, science degree, academic rank, position, name of institution where author works, e-mail address.


Direitos autorais

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the Publisher exclusive license to first publication.
  2. Authors are able to distribute the manuscript and/or the article in accordance with Self-Archiving policy of the journal (see details).
  3. The manuscript can be accepted for publication only by decision of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial board of the journal in accordance with the Manuscript stelection policy of the journal (see details).
  4. Published Article will be distributed in print and electronic version and will be available online by Subscription or in Open Access at the discretion of the Publisher. 


An exclusive license for publication granted by authors allows the publisher to use the article in the following ways:

  • the reproduction of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, in any material form, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion;
  • the dissemination of copies of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, or any other disposal of its original or copies, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or any other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion, including distributing or otherwise using the Article or portions (excerpts) thereof for publication in scientific, educational, technical or professional journals or other periodicals and derivative works; in printed and electronic versions of such journals, periodicals and derivative works in all media and formats now existing and which may arise in the future;
  • making the Article available to the public in a way that any person may gain access to the Article from any place and at any time out of preference;
  • reprocessing of the Article by translating it into any languages at the Licensee's option, and using the reprocessed (translated) Article in the above ways.

Other rights not directly transferred to the publisher under this License Agreement, including patent rights to any process, method etc., described by the Authors in the manuscript, as well as trademark rights, are reserved for the Authors.


All the Copyright statements for authors are present in the Standart Publishing Agreement to Publish an Article. The Agreement filled in and signed by authors should be upload to the Publisher within the all other files accompainged a manuscript when submitting.


Declaração de Privacidade

Specified when registering the names and addresses will be used solely for technical purposes of a contact with the Author or reviewers (editors) when preparing the article for publication. Private data will not be shared with other individuals and organizations.


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