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Vol 88, No 1 (2024)

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Ways for greening agricultural land use in transboundary dry steppe landscapes of Kulunda

Krasnoyarova B.A., Orlova I.V., Plutalova T.G., Sharabarina S.N.


Drylands are subject to degradation processes caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. Among the latter, agricultural activities stand out in terms of the scale and duration of their impacts worldwide. These processes are exacerbated in transboundary areas with different socioeconomic and environmental management institutions. We propose the ecological-landscape paradigm of agricultural land management, which aims to achieve sustainable development of transboundary territories as a single socio-ecological system, while respecting environmental standards and landscape resilience to agricultural pressures. This approach was applied to the dry steppe landscapes of the Russian-Kazakh transboundary area. It was found that 75% of the study area is occupied by low-stable landscapes; unstable to agricultural impacts – 17%; relatively stable – only 8% of the territory. The conservation strategy is proposed for landscapes unstable to agricultural impact and unsuitable for involvement in agricultural turnover due to their environmental, water and soil protection functions. The adaptation strategy is developed for landscapes with low stability, which should be used as farmland with a high proportion of perennial grasses and natural fodder by carrying out the necessary agricultural and recreational works. The development strategy with a grain-fallow soil protection system is most suitable for relatively stable landscapes. These strategies make it possible to find a compromise between the intensive use of dryland farmland and its conservation, and to apply uniform management tools in cross-border areas.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2024;88(1):3-16
pages 3-16 views

Approaches to the assessment of economic damage from natural hazards for the railway infrastructure (the case of the Russian Federation)

Badina S.V., Turchaninova A.S., Baburin V.L., Minchenkova A.M.


The article proposes a methodological approach to the quantitative assessment of direct economic damage from natural hazards for an element of the critical infrastructure of the Russian Federation – railways. The methodology is based on a normative approach to assessing the replacement cost of railway lines, which varies depending on the cost of construction in specific orographic and climatic conditions of a given region. The results are presented in the context of municipalities, which makes it easier to take into account intra-regional differences and to compare them with natural hazard parameters (e.g. floods, dangerous slopes, geocryological processes, etc.). The calculations showed that the marginal cost of replacing railway lines in the event of natural hazards for Russia is about RUB 11 trillion in 2021 prices, or about 8.4% of Russia’s GDP for that year. In a regional context, the first 10 regions account for more than 40% of the total replacement cost, which indicates that these regions require special attention in terms of measures to protect railway assets. These include Irkutsk oblast (RUB 602.4 bln), Khabarovsk krai (595.5), Amur oblast (594.4), Zabaykalsky krai (538.2), Sverdlovsk oblast (526.8), Krasnoyarsk krai (406.8), Altai krai (404.3), Krasnodar krai (348.5), Republic of Buryatia (314.1), Primorsky krai (287.7). The data obtained can be used in studies of natural and man-made risks: by comparing them with the parameters characterising the impact of natural hazards, it is possible to predict the risk and probable damage to railway infrastructure facilities in the given territories. Avalanches and permafrost degradation are used to demonstrate the potential of such assessments.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2024;88(1):17-26
pages 17-26 views


Regional specificity of the transformation of the water balance structure during restoration successions in the cutting of dark coniferous forests of the Yenisey Ridge

Burenina T.A., Korets M.A., Suleimanova Z.R.


The paper discusses the features of the transformation of the structure of the water balance in the dark coniferous forests of the Yenisey Ridge, disturbed by logging. Questions of evapotranspiration dynamics are considered, considering reforestation successions in the cut areas. Based on the use of satellite data (MOD16A2), the change in evapotranspiration was analyzed considering the disturbance of the forest cover in the watershed. Against the background of the general dependence of evapotranspiration on meteorological parameters, the results showed that at the basin level, the variation in evapotranspiration depends on the accumulative effect of forest cover disturbance in the watershed. The ranking of felled areas, considering the regenerative-age dynamics of the vegetation cover, made it possible to assess the contribution of various stages of the reforestation process to the total evaporation in the Suhoy Pit River basin, and to reveal how the ratio of logging sites of the current year to the areas of already afforested cutting areas affects the amount of total evaporation. Studies have shown that if less than 2% of the total watershed area is deforested, then the logging does not cause major change in evapotranspiration and river runoff.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2024;88(1):27-40
pages 27-40 views

Evaluation of landscape and climatic potential of the mountain part of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk for the purposes of health tourism and terrain cure

Koryagina Y.V., Povolotskaya N.P., Nopin S.V., Ter-Akopov G.N., Popov A.N.


The study expands the possibilities of developing health tourism and terrain cure in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia. There is a growing demand for domestic tourism, but the most famous tourist destinations are full. In this case, the development of other tourist destinations is relevant. Research into the landscape and climatic potential of the Susunai Ridge in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk for the creation of the “Vos’merka” terrain cure route revealed an unusual combination of recreational landscape elements (2.48 points) with favourable mountain orography (2.83 points) and rich flora, valuable phytorecourses (2.5 points), high landscape and aesthetic quality of natural views (2 points), moderate bioclimatic mode of the area in terms of loads (2.16 points), unique on purity of the surface atmosphere and environmental ecological conditions (2.6 points), which integratively provide prospects for the development of summer and winter types of health tourism. When comparing heterogeneous indices of bioclimate and recreational landscape, we applied the method of scoring qualitative attributes used in resortology and recreational geography.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2024;88(1):41-52
pages 41-52 views

Peculiarities of expansion of alien species of vascular plants due to the development of transport infrastructure of the Valdaisky National Park

Belonovskaya E.A., Tishkov A.A., Tsarevskaya N.G., Khmelshchikov I.G.


On the territory of the Valdaisky National Park (Novgorod oblast) the analysis of invasions of alien species of vascular plants was carried out. The risk of invasion of alien species into natural ecosystems was assessed, considering the history of land use in the region, current nature management practices, and the ongoing development of transport infrastructure in the area. Since 2005, annual monitoring studies have been carried out using standard geobotanical methods along existing, modernized, and new linear structures in the Park’s territory and buffer zone. It has been shown that the forest–field–meadow structure of the vegetation cover, which has developed over the centuries, and the composition of the Park’s flora have proved to be quite resistant to the invasions. The composition and value of the invasive component in the flora of the National Park is 18% (133 species from 42 families). At the same time, the role of transport infrastructure in the spread of alien species is obvious. About 40–50% of the invasive flora (about 50–70 species) is limited to railways and roads, and their composition can determine the vector of spread—from the south-east and south to the north and north-west. In order to reduce the risk of invasion of alien vascular plant species and to preserve the unique native floristic complex, strict regulations are required for the development of transport infrastructure in the National Park.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2024;88(1):53-63
pages 53-63 views


Reconstructions of paleofires in the Upper Don Basin in the Late Holocene

Kupriyanov D.A., Volkova E.M., Mironov V.V., Leonova O.A., Chepurnaya А.А., Novenko Е.Y.


Reconstruction of the fire frequency in the area of the Kulikovo Battlefield Museum Reserve (Upper Don Basin, Central Russian Upland) over the last 4000 years was carried out on the basis of macrocharcoal analysis (study of macroscopic charcoal particles with a linear size greater than 100 μm) of the peat core from the Podkosmovsky bog, which received the status of a specially protected natural area in 2013. The results of macroscopic charcoal analysis were compared with published quantitative reconstructions of forest cover and vegetation dynamics in the region, palynological data and archaeological material. The results of the study showed low fire activity in the area of the Kulikovo Battlefield between 4000 and 1500 cal (calibrated) years BP. According to the results of pollen analysis, the study area belonged to the forest-steppe vegetation zone during this period. The mosaic of plant cover included patches of deciduous pine forests, floodplain alder forests and grassland steppes on dry slopes. The forest cover of the area was 30–40% and reached 45% at about 2700 cal years BP, when the climate cooled and humidity increased. From 1500 cal years BP, the rate of charcoal accumulation in the peat deposit of the Podkosmosky bog gradually increased. The highest frequency of forest fires and the highest charcoal accumulation rates in peat were found for the period 900–300 cal years BP. The relationship between the periods of increased charcoal influx and climatic changes in the Late Holocene has not been established, but there is a clear correspondence between the interval of increased charcoal accumulation in peat and the stages of human activity in the region, confirmed by numerous archaeological finds. The decrease in forest cover in the study area to 15–20% over the same period and the abundance of anthropogenic pollen indicators in the pollen assemblages indicate an increase in human impact on the vegetation.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2024;88(1):64-76
pages 64-76 views

Microbiomorphic analysis in the study of the pioneer environment of the Late Glacial: preliminary results of Kulikovo section (Sambian Peninsula, Kaliningrad oblast)

Golyeva А.А., Druzhinina О.А.


The article is devoted to the preliminary results of the study of the Kulikovo section (Sambian Peninsula, Kaliningrad oblast, Russian Federation), where deposits of one of the Late Pleistocene palaeobasins are exposed. The uniqueness of the section is due to its good preservation: while most of the postglacial basins that existed along the Baltic coast were subsequently destroyed during the Holocene marine transgressions and regressions, the deposits of the Kulikovo section, represented by silt with peat interlayers, provide an opportunity for a detailed study of the palaeoenvironment of the southeastern Baltic during the Middle to Younger Dryas (~14200–12500 cal BP). For the first time in the Baltic region, this type of deposits has been studied by microbiomorphic analysis. The aim of the analysis was to evaluate the informative potential of the method in relation to Late Glacial palaeobasin deposits and to obtain additional local data on Late Glacial vegetation and environment. The first phase of the study of the section showed the high informative value of the method. Data were obtained on the microbiomorphic composition of the Late Glacial water sediments. It includes 4 main categories of microbiomorphs: phytoliths, diatom shells, sponge spicules and plant detritus. Fe-rich spherules were also detected in the sediments. The analysis provided information on the plant communities surrounding the paleobasin, represented by reed communities, meadow and forest vegetation, including coniferous trees. The latter is an important point in the discussion about the presence of trees in the ice-free areas. A repeated change in hydrological conditions in the adjacent area was also noted, expressed in a change in the flow rate of the basin. Further study of the Fe-rich nodules in the Kulikovo sediments is important with regard to “impact events” and their role in the dynamics of the Late Glacial environment.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2024;88(1):77-89
pages 77-89 views


Landscape framework and geography of religion: a terminological aspect (a case study of geographical publications in English)

Poplavsky R.О., Korandei F.S., Cherepanov M.S.


This article attempts to illustrate current approaches to the study of religious phenomena using the landscape framework. The authors identify similarities and differences in the interpretations of the most common terms used in foreign research to describe religion. The article shows that their semantic difference is mainly determined by their use as tools of either cultural geography or social anthropology. In particular, cultural geography focuses on the material objects of cultural landscapes and their geographical distribution, while social anthropology highlights specific features of people’s religious discourse and practices and analyses social processes that shape the modern world landscape. The term religious landscape can be used in the following ways, depending on how it is operationalized. First, it refers to the totality of material objects associated with religion. Secondly, it refers to the places where rituals take place. Finally, it refers to the territory in which followers of particular religious traditions live. The term religioscape implies a situation of conflict or complementary interaction between followers of different religions sharing the same space. Sacred landscape is sometimes applied as a synonym for the term religious landscape meaning a set of religious material objects. Sometimes it means a complex of natural places or objects of worship (mountains, hills, swamps, and others) that provides a general framework for various individual religious landscapes within it. The term sacroscape refers to the historically formed material manifestations of religiosity influencing both contemporary people and earth’s surface. The term spiritual landscape has several basic meanings. On the one hand, it is used as a synonym for religious landscape or sacred landscape. Secondly, it serves as a broader, generalizing term to describe all aspects of human interaction (ideas, objects, practices) with the supersensible world. Finally, the term spiritual landscape refers to spaces of not only ritual but also everyday practices.

Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2024;88(1):90-99
pages 90-99 views


To the results of B.B. Rodoman’s creative life

Kaganskiy V.L.
Izvestiâ Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Seriâ geografičeskaâ. 2024;88(1):100-102
pages 100-102 views

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