Geochemistry of Spring Water of Mzymta and Sochi River Basins, Southern Slope of the Caucasus Ridge

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The chemical composition of the waters of 31 springs located in the basins of the Mzymta and Sochi rivers on the southern slope of the Caucasus Range was studied. Both water-bearing fractured carbonate rocks and water-resistant mudstones and igneous rocks are developed here. In addition, the region is characterized by the development of mineralization zones and deposits of thermal hydrogen sulfide waters. Four types of waters have been identified: I) hydrocarbonate calcium, II) hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-magnesium, III) hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-sodium, IV) hydrocarbonate-chloride-sulfate calcium waters. Due to the geochemical features of regional rocks, all types of waters are characterized by high contents of Se and rare earth elements (REE) and low concentrations of Tl, Zr, Th, and Fe. The first type of waters is associated with fractured carbonate rocks, and due to their good solubility and water permeability, it differs from other types of waters by increased concentrations of Se and REE by factors of 2.3 and 2.6, respectively. The second type, distributed mainly in argillites, is distinguished by relatively low contents of Se, REE and other elements, which is due to the lower water permeability and solubility of argillites compared to carbonate rocks. The third type is characterized by the additional presence of excess elements Ba, Li, Rb and B in the composition, which is associated with the influence of a deposit of hydrothermal mineral waters. Igneous rocks, being the least permeable and less rich in chemical elements than mudstones, influence the formation of groundwater with the lowest concentrations of elements. The low permeability of igneous rocks is confirmed by the analysis performed using the hydrogeochemical Gibbs diagram, indicating that the precipitation factor is superimposed on the formation of these waters. REE for all types of waters are characterized by similar fractionation inherited from the rocks of the region (medium REE > heavy REE > light REE). The total amount of rare earth elements and their fractionation patterns can be used as a reliable criterion for the interpretation and typification of fresh groundwater.

About the authors

P. S. Lesnikova

Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russia, Sochi

L. V. Zakharikhina

Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, Sochi

Yu. S. Litvinenko

EcoGeoLit (LLC)

Russia, Moscow

S. G. Shevelev

Caucasian State Biosphere Natural Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov

Russia, Sochi

G. V. Vareljyan

Caucasian State Biosphere Natural Reserve named after Kh.G. Shaposhnikov

Russia, Sochi


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Copyright (c) 2023 П.С. Лесникова, Л.В. Захарихина, Ю.С. Литвиненко, С.Г. Шевелев, Г.В. Варельджян

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