Approaches to Implementing Ecosystem Climate Projects in Russia

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Russia is developing a legal framework for the Paris Agreement implementation. In Russian strategic documents, there is no consistency in measures and quantitative indicators to reduce emissions and increase absorption of greenhouse gases. The main focus on forests and other ecosystems through the implementation of climate change mitigation projects also raises questions. The purpose of this paper is to determine the goal and place of these projects within the framework of a national low-carbon policy, and to analyze the opportunities and limitations of such projects in Russia. The main criteria are the additionality, conservative baselines, and minimization of risks (leakage, non-permanence, cessation of project funding, reversion). Ecosystem projects are high-risk compared to industrial projects, while the climate component of project activities occurs only in the long-term preservation of the result. The project’s goal in Russia to refine mitigation technologies based on sustainable management of natural ecosystems: the results lead to the multiple benefits including ecosystem services of the territory, biodiversity and adaptation to climate change. Therefore, their attractiveness in the implementation of sustainable development policies of companies and the state is growing. Given the additional nature, projects will not be able to provide a significant quantitative contribution to mitigation, but can provide a tool to achieve that. At the initial stage of the Russian carbon market it is necessary to allow only reliable and transparent projects (reforestation and afforestation with mixed species; improved forest management of managed forests; management of previously unmanaged forests; restoration of wetlands/grassland ecosystems; conservation of soil carbon of agricultural lands; biochar inputs to soils). Projects such as forest conservation from logging and monoculture plantations require a separate regulatory framework to prevent tampering and minimize threats to local natural ecosystems.

About the authors

A. A. Romanovskaya

Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology

Author for correspondence.
Russia, Moscow


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