
Tax Monitoring of Individuals
Komolov N.
The Practice of Implementing Control Activities of Tax Authorities
Moroz V., Zarubin M.
Permanent and Temporary Tax Differences-Good or Bad for the Company?
Kashirskaya L., Krasavin N.
Regional Features of Tax Administration (Example of Kaliningrad Region)
Smirnov E., Margorina A.
On-site Tax Audits: Modern Realities and Problems of Legal Regulation
Savostyanova S., Afonin K.
Criminalistic Features of Tax of Crimes and their Accounting in the Activities of the Investigator
Barashkov E., Cheburenkov A.
Tax mediation: experience and prospects for implementation
Vorobyev I.
Tax System and Reforms in Modern Europe
Moroz V.
Tax System and Reforms in the United States of America
Moroz V.
Automated information system «Control of residency status»
Dolatova D., Moroz V.
Tax Policy as a Factor in Reindustrialization Activation
Drobyshevskaya L., Alyasiri A., Chaplya V.
Current Issues of Identifying Unreasonable Tax Benefits
Smirnova E.
Inheritance Tax in South Korea, Greece, Japan, France and the Need to Return It
Dolatova D., Moroz V.
Assessment of Tax Risks of Persons, Professional Income Taxes
Smirnova E.
Current tax Issues Incentives for Housing Construction
Smirnova E.
The Most Common Schemes of Personal Income Tax Evasion: Current Trends of Tax Administration
Smirnova E., Nazranova M.
Current Issues of Tax Administration of Certain Categories of Taxpayers
Smirnova E.
Current Tax Issues Planning in the Digital Economy
Smirnova E.
Objective of Expanding Tax Risk Criteria in a Preliminary Analysis
Smirnova E.
Tax Risk Assessment of Tax Control Persons: Regional Aspect
Smirnova E.
Criteria for Managing Tax Expenditures of Budgets of Public Legal Entities
Frumina S.
Assessment of Regulatory Factors Forming Preferential Legal Regimes of Strategic Development of Tourist Regions
Battalova L.
Controlled Transactions: Features of Legal Regulation of Tax Control
Toria R.
Identification of Unreasonable Tax Benefits During Pre-Inspection Analysis
Smirnova E.
Information infrastructure of tax administration: problems and directions of development
Smirnova E.
The Role and Significance of Local Taxes and Fees (On the Example of the City of Moscow and the Moscow Region)
Toria R.
Taxation of Agricultural Producers as a Factor of State Support of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia
Anisiforov T., Battalova L., Krasheninnikov S.
To the Question of Interstate Cooperation in the Tax Sphere (Financial and Legal and Problematic Aspects)
Ivanova E., Barkova A.
Problems of Legal Regulation of Local Taxes and Fees
Toria R.
Territories of Advanced Socio-Economic Development as a Condition for Increasing the Competitiveness of Russian Engineering
Lebedeva N.
On the Issue of Taxation of Self-Employed Persons and State Support under Sanctions
Morozova G.
To the Question of Criminal Liability for Crimes in the Sphere of Taxation
Kardanov R., Simonova S.
On Closing Tax Avoidance Loopholes for Companies
Ruban-Lazareva N.
Problems of Presenting Information about Deferred Taxes
Aksentev A.
Opportunities and Limitations of the Activities of the Authorized Body to Initiate the Bankruptcy of a Tax Debtor
Khoruzhiy V., Bogdanova N.
Features of Observance of the Pre-trial Procedure in Cases of Contesting Decisions to Refuse State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs: Legislative Provisions and Clarifications of the Highest Court
Katukova S., Milashevskaya A.
Legislative Practice of State Support of the Regions as a Factor in the Development of Tourist Territories
Battalova L., Krasheninnikov S.
Cross-border Carbon Regulation: Challenges and Opportunities for Russian Oil and Gas Companies
Lebedeva N., Sidelnikova N.
«Technical Company» as an Evidence in Disputes of Unreasonable Tax Benefit
Orlova N.
Taxation of Compensation Payments for Violation of Labor Legislation: Problems of Law Enforcement, National and International Approaches
Vasilyeva A., Zhdanov S., Rudakova E., Skryachev A.
The Problematic Aspects of Exemption from Criminal Liability for Tax Evasion of Alternative Forms of Resolution of Criminal Law Conflicts
Nikolaeva Z.
Tax duty and liability of online e-commerce platforms
Golovchenko O.
Assigned asset value and investment tax deduction: deferred tax accounting problems
Aksentev A.
Self-Employed as Pseudo-Subjects of Labor Relations
Moiseeva E., Chiranova I.
Development of a methodology for checking counterparties to implement the principle of due diligence
Kashirskaya L., Zurnadzhyants Y., Kutsaya S.
Contradictions in the Taxation of Income from Cryptocurrencies and Ways to Resolve them
Pintii N., Shagzhina A.
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