Domestic three-component herbicide Arizona for the protection of corn crops in the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory




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Field experiments were carried out to determine the biological and economic e ectiveness of the herbicide Arizona, OD (75 g/l mesotrion + 30 g/l nicosulfuron + 3.5 g/l orasulam), on crops of the hybrid corn Krasnodar 291 AMV in Krasnodar Krai. The experiments were carried out on the experimental eld of the Federal State Budgetary Scienti c Institution "Federal Research Center ofBiological Plant Protection" in 2020-2021 in accordance with the guidelines for testing herbicides in agriculture. The soil cover of the experimental plots is leached chernozem. The ow rate of the working uid is 200 l/ha. In the experiments, plots with an area of 25 m2 were used with a four-fold repetition with a randomized arrangement. The scheme of the experiment assumed the use of the tested herbicide Arizona, OD in the norms of 1.0 and 2.0 l/ha, standards Elumis, OD (2.0 l/ha) and Octave, OD (1.0 l/ha), control (without herbicides). During the period of 3…5 leaves of the culture, herbicides were applied. The initial contamination of corn crops averaged 125 copies/m2. The e ectiveness of the drugs was evaluated by reducing the number, mass of weeds and the di erence in the yield of grain crops in comparison with the option without the use of herbicides. The types of weeds in the experiments (ragweed sagebrush, сalifornia durnishnik, tilted schiritsa, bristly body, gray bristle, common hedgehog) demonstrated high sensitivity to the herbicide being tested. In the variants with the introduction of 1.0 and 2.0 l / ha of the drug Arizona, OD, an 82…100 % herbicidal e ect was observed without a negative e ect on the crop and a reliable preserved corn grain yield (87.0 and 102.2 %). The reference preparations for the e ectiveness of cereals were at the level of the tested preparation (2.0 l/ha), but were inferior in e ect to dicotyledonous weeds.


A. Savva

Federal Scientific Center for Biological Plant Protection

350039, Krasnodar, p/o 39

V. Nadykta

Federal Scientific Center for Biological Plant Protection

350039, Krasnodar, p/o 39

T. Telezhenko

Federal Scientific Center for Biological Plant Protection

350039, Krasnodar, p/o 39

V. Suvorova

Federal Scientific Center for Biological Plant Protection

350039, Krasnodar, p/o 39


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