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No 4 (2024)

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Crop Production and Selection

Research of a spring soft wheat collection material based on ear’s structure and grain quality elements

Kokoreva V.G., Gladysheva O.V., Barkovskaya T.A.


In modern conditions of high intensification of agriculture, the key task at all stages of development is to increase the volume of grain produced. This requires constant improvement of the varietal composition of production fields. When creating a new variety, it is necessary to comprehensively study the collection nursery for parental forms of important elements of grain structure and quality. In these scientific studies, 32 varieties of spring soft wheat were studied at the Institute of Seed Production and Agricultural Technologies in the Ryazan region. Standard variety Agata. From the studied varieties, the following varieties were identified: by the length of the ear Arsei, Margarita, Simbirtsit, Uralosibirskaya, Darnitsa, which are 19.5–31.2% higher than the standard, by the number of grains KVS Torridon, KVS Aquilon, Margarita, Ethos, Ekada 70, Odeta, and Kinelskaya Otrada, Uralosibirskaya, Darnitsa, Hercules exceeds the standard by 5.29–36.77%, by weight of grain per ear KVS Akvilon, KVS Torridon, Odeta, Margarita, Simbirtsit, Kalispero, Mary, Hercules, Uralosibirskaya, Ethos, Darnitsa, Kinelskaya Otrada, Kazan Yubileinyaya with indicators above the standard by 1.88–20.63%, in terms of protein content in grain Zlata, Novosibirskaya 29, Uralosibirskaya, Siberian Alliance, Sable, Chelyaba 2 above the standard by 0.42–2.01%, according to the gluten content in grain Novosibirskaya 29, Sable, Chelyaba 2 is 2.5–3.2% higher than the standard; by weight of 1000 grains Odeta, Siberian Alliance, Margarita, Simbirtsit, Burlak is 2.5–3.2% higher than the standard.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Durum wheat from North African countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt) in the southern planar zone of the Dagestan Republic conditions

Shikhmuradov A.Z., Magomedov M.M.


In 2022-2023 at the Dagestan experimental station of the All-Russian Research Institute branch, under irrigated conditions during winter sowing 615 samples of durum wheat from North African countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt) were studied for a set of breeding valuable traits (earliness, resistance to fungal diseases, productivity, height plants, lodging, number of grains per ear, weight of grain per ear and weight of 1000 grains). Standard varieties are k-66674 Odari, k-67482 Yarina (Krasnodar region), k-32453 Derbentskaya black-eared (Dagestan). Productive durum wheat varieties with high adaptive potential have been identified (k-16221, k-16242 and k-54550 from Algeria), which can be used for genetic research and in practical breeding to improve existing varieties and create new ones.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):9-12
pages 9-12 views

The nitrogen deficiency influence on the growth and development of spring two-nuclear barley varieties grown under photoculture conditions

Surin N.A., Gerasimov S.A., Lipshin A.G., Ushakova S.A., Tikhomirov A.A., Velichko V.V., Gribovskaya I.V.


The purpose of the research is to study, the effect of N deficiency in irrigation solutions on the structural and functional characteristics of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), the Oplot variety under controlled environmental conditions, in comparison with the structural and functional characteristics of Takmak barley, which has been the standard in all variety testing sites of the Krasnoyarsk Territory since 2022. The plants were grown under light culture conditions using hydroponics on expanded clay with constant environmental conditions at a photoperiod day/night of 17h / 7h, respectively. The basis for the preparation of irrigation solutions was Knop solution (control) and a solution in which, in order to reduce the concentration of N-NO3, the salt content was changed 2 times so as not to change the concentration of other macronutrients. A comparison of the rate of absorption of macronutrients by barley plants of the Oplot and Takmak varieties, depending on the composition of the irrigation solution, shows a higher demand of the barley of the Oplot variety for the presence of mineral nutrition elements in the irrigation solution in comparison with the barley of the Takmak variety. The deficiency of N in the irrigation solution led to a decrease in total tillering by about 2.5 times, but productive tillering in the barley of the Oplot variety decreased to a greater extent than in the barley of the Takmak variety. When growing on Knop solution the barley of the Oplot variety showed higher productivity than the barley of the Takmak variety. When grown on solutions with a deficiency of N, the grain yield of the barley of the Oplot variety decreased by 2.8 times, and in the barley of the Takmak variety, the differences between the control and experimental variants were unreliable. The barley of the Takmak variety showed higher resistance to N deficiency in the irrigation solution, thereby showing higher plasticity compared to the barley of the Oplot variety.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):13-21
pages 13-21 views

The influence of soybean rhizobia on the agricultural seeds sowing qualities

Tatarenko I.Y., Yakimenko M.V., Sorokina A.I.


To grow high and stable yields with good product quality, it is very important to receive timely, full-fledged and friendly shoots of optimal density. Therefore, the problem of stimulating, or inhibiting, seed germination and the processes occurring in them occupies an important place in modern crop production. The method of pre-sowing seed treatment with rhizobia is one of the promising technological measures that ensure an increase in yield and quality of crop production. The staff of the Laboratory of Biological Research of the Federal State Budgetary Budgetary Institution of the Federal Research Institute of Soy conducted a study of the possibility of stimulating germination and disinfection of soybean seeds, lupin, vigna, wheat, barley using pure Sinorhizobium fredii crops. The work used collectible strains of rhizobia, which showed an abundant growth of bacterial mass on the nutrient medium of the MRC. The standard strain was S. fredii 5851 from the collection of microorganisms and cell cultures of the Leibniz Institute (DSMZ), Germany. In variants with strains, stable stimulating and healing effects were observed. As a result of a scientific experiment, it was found that, on average, in variants with S. fredii strains, germination increased by 37%, the length of seedlings – by 224%, the raw weight of seedlings – by 23% compared with the control (without treatment with strains). S. fredii strains BB-49, SB-39, SB-43, TB-422, TB-488, TB-490, TB-496, 062 maximally stimulated the process of germination of agricultural seeds.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Correlation between perennial grass productivity and landscape and climatic conditions

Ivanov D.A., Kharhardinov N.A., Kurpas K.S.


The yield monitoring (1998–2023) of cloverothymothy grass stands of 1 year of use within the moraine hill was carried out in order to find patterns in the influence of weather conditions on it. The grass stands were operated in the conditions of the Tver region without fertilizers in a single-cut mode on a field divided into 120 plots. Using regression analysis, we determined the influence of temporal variability of average monthly values: average daily temperatures, their amplitude, amount of precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient on the hay yield of perennial grasses. It was revealed that in total these parameters determine about 43% of the variability in grass productivity, but fluctuations in temperature amplitudes are responsible for 32% of the temporal variability of the yield. The yield of herbs is affected by the variability of growing conditions not only in time, but also in space. The negative impact on the yield of air temperature changes is observed in all parts of the landscape, except for the flat top, where productivity responds positively to the growth of the hydrothermal coefficient and negatively to the increase in air temperatures in the pre-harvest period. The following have a negative impact on product yield: temperature changes in late summer and early autumn, especially on southern slopes, which can make it difficult for plants to overwinter; thaws in March, causing the formation of an ice crust on the soil surface and damaging the tillering nodes of plants; hot days in the pre-harvest period, accelerating the ripening of grasses and reducing the intensity of biomass accumulation. February thaws, promoting the accumulation of moisture in the soil, lead to an increase in grass yield. Measures that reduce the negative impact of temperature changes on the grass harvest include: autumn mowing of young grass, snow retention in meadows, and sprinkling of grass on the hottest days of the pre-harvest period.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Ecological study of false saffron in Russia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan to ensure food security

Temirbekova S.K., Kulikov I.M., Afanasyeva Y.V., Beloshapkina O.O., Bome N.A., Polivanova O.B., Korolev K.P., Ashirbekov M.Z., Norov M.S.


Safflower oilseed is a crop native to Egypt and India with arid climates. Global warming in the world requires an alternative approach to well-known oilseeds (sunflower, rapeseed). Many years of research have been carried out to study the culture of safflower oilseed in contrasting natural conditions Russia, Southern Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. The goal was to study the biological characteristics, productivity, accumulation of oil content, and the manifestation of the main disease in arid conditions and to create a variety with adaptive potential for a specific region. Based on the research results, new varieties of safflower oilseed Krasa Stupinskaya (Russia), Akmai, Nurlan, Iirkas, and Moldir-2008 (Kazakhstan), Shifo (Tajikistan) were created and recommended for sustainable farming in the above regions. In terms of the accumulation of oil and fatty acid composition in the seeds, the Krasa Stupinskaya variety from the Central region of the Russian Federation is at the level of southern varieties from Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. In a warming climate, the above varieties will ensure food security in their countries due to stable yields, sufficient accumulation of oil content in seeds and disease resistance.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):35-45
pages 35-45 views

Species composition of weeds in various crop rotations of the Mari El Republic

Zamyatin S.A., Maksimova R.B.


The article presents the results of long-term experiments to determine the species composition of weed vegetation, the dynamics of weeds on crops in various crop rotations is established. In order to develop rational measures to control weeds, their species and quantitative composition were studied. The experiment was carried out on the field of the Mari Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences, a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the North–East, founded in 1996 and 1998. The duration is four rotations of six–field crop rotations. The soil is sod–podzolic medium loamy. The purpose of the work is to determine the species composition of weeds in crop rotations, to identify the influence of crop rotations, to trace the dynamics of crop contamination. The share of juvenile weeds accounts for 26 species, perennial – 10. The minimum amount of weed vegetation was noted in the III fruit–bearing crop rotation (average over the years – 49.55 pcs/m2), the maximum – in the grassy (61.15 pcs/m2). According to factor B, in all years of research on juvenile weeds, the lowest

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):46-49
pages 46-49 views

The humic acids influence on the quantity and quality of table grape varieties under the Absheron peninsula conditions

Salimov V.S., Grekhova I.V., Asadullaev R.A., Grekhova V.Y., Huseynov M.A., Musaeva E.V.


Humates are widely used in viticulture, including ecological viticulture. Humic stuffs benefit the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the grape harvest and can reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This article presents the results of tests on the foliar application of various doses of the “Rostok” fertilizer in the conditions of the Absheron zone of Azerbaijan on local varieties of table grapes – traditional Tabrizi and a selection variety of Scientific Research Institute of Viticulture and Wine-making Ganjavi, grown in the Ampelographic collection of the institute, located on the Absheron peninsula. Fertilizer was applied in three doses – 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 liter per hectar. Under the influence of the fertilizer, such elements of yield as the vigor of shoot growth, the number of opened buds, fruitful shoots, the number of berries in a bunch, the weight of a bunch, as well as the sugar content of berry juice increased. Fertilizer application had a positive effect on eliminating signs of leaf chlorosis. No toxic effect on the vegetative organs of the grape plant, on its development, or on the beneficial insect fauna of the vineyard was noted. Based on the data obtained, as well as calculations of economic efficiency, a four-fold application of fertilizer (twice before flowering, once after, once during veraison) at the rate of 1 liter per hectare was recommended for widespread use in wine-growing farms.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):50-54
pages 50-54 views

Response of actinidia deliciosa plants to abiotic stress in the Russian subtropical zone

Abilfazova Y.S.


The article presents a general description of the culture of Actinidia deliciosa, grown in the humid subtropics of Russia. The work was carried out since 2017 at the site of the Adler experimental station of the branch of the Federal Research Center of the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources and in the laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry of the Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sochi. Physiological and biochemical indicators were determined that reflect the resistance of actinidia plants planted in 1988 to environmental stress factors to identify the most adapted varieties to the conditions of the humid subtropics of the Krasnodar Territory. The soil is alluvial meadow with low humus. The varieties studied were late ripening Hayward; Ellison, Abbott and Bruno – early; Monty – medium; Tomuri (pollinator of kiwi female varieties). The indicator organ is physiologically mature actinidia leaves, which were selected from May to September against the backdrop of a natural increase in air temperature. Water deficit was in 2022–2023 is 29.62–36.46%, the minimum is for the Ellison and Monty varieties (29.62–30.21), the maximum is Abbott (36.46%). The dry matter content is 25.47–35.53%, the water content of leaf blades is 46.09-62.66%. The Monti, Hayward and Tomuri varieties are the most resistant to the weather and climatic conditions of the Russian subtropical zone.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Agrotechnical practices for improving the quality of seed stocks in the nursery

Semin I.V.


The paper presents the preliminary results of an assessment of some agrotechnical techniques for improving the quality of seed stocks for pears based on quince of ordinary VNIISPK breeding. Studies have shown that the use of bedding material introduced into rows during sowing in the form of sphagnum moss or sand contributed to better branching of the primary root of the seedling, and, consequently, the formation of more skeletal roots than in control variants. The morphological structure of the sand favored high aeration and waterproofing with excess moisture in the root zone of the germinating seed. The skeletal root branched better than in the control. However, the main amount of branching was concentrated on the endings of the skeletal root or close to it. The places of branching of skeletal roots from the main root of the seedling often remained open, which subsequently may lead to a decrease in the anchoring of graft-rootstock combinations in the garden. On the other hand, having a high moisture-retaining ability, aeration and antiseptic properties, sphagnum moss had an even more beneficial effect on the young sprout and subsequently contributes to the formation of a branched root system of the seedling with many overgrown roots. The number of skeletal roots and the order of their branching exceeded the control variants by 1.5–2.0 times. Almost the entire skeletal root branched, which is very valuable for survival, plant fixation in the soil, nutrition and moisture supply during the growing season. Based on the conducted research, in order to improve the quality of seed stocks based on quince, when sowing, bedding material in the form of sand or sphagnum moss should be added to the rows, contributing to better branching of the roots of quince seedlings.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):59-62
pages 59-62 views

Formation of a scientific school on genetic resources, selection and genetics of grapes in Russia from N.I. Vavilov to the present day

Likhovskoy V.V., Volynkin V.A., Polulyakh A.A., Zlenko V.A., Studennikova N.L., Spotar G.Y.


While discussing the establishment of scientific school of grapevine genetic resources, breeding and genetics in Russia, its formation is of undoubted scientific importance not by one individual only, but generally by studying and analyzing the contribution of generations of scientists in the country, focusing, as a baseline, on fundamental researches and stated theories of N.I. Vavilov. Analyzing the historical and modern stages of grape breeding methodology in conjunction with source material – genetic resources, and those determined by the specificity of pattern genome manifesting and inheriting genetically determined traits, it is necessary to highlight two aspects: the process of grape gene pool formation, the origin of individual varieties in the process of natural evolution, and task-oriented creation of new cultivars in the process of experimental evolution. Understanding of the methodology of grapevine natural morphogenesis in due course generated the methodology of targeted creation of new cultivars. Natural hybridization, natural mutagenesis and natural selection as initial methods of grapevine morphogenesis for generations of Russian scientists made it possible, using descriptive ampelography, to further move to directed hybridization, induced mutagenesis and induced polyploidization in combination with artificial selection. And only recently the transition from breeding at the organismal level to genome editing at the gene level became possible using modern bioengineering methods and various approaches to gene engineering.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):63-68
pages 63-68 views

Mathematical model for predicting the yield of apple trees on rootstock 62-396

Zakharov V.L., Buneev S.S., Shubkin S.Y., Sotnikov B.A., Kravchenko V.A.


Traditionally, forecasting apple tree yields was carried out on the basis of statistics of already obtained long-term yield dynamics or based on generative formations formed on the tree. The purpose of the work is to identify the most significant soil parameters for the formation of the apple tree varieties yield on the dwarf rootstock 62-396 and to build a mathematical model for predicting fruit yield in the conditions of the Central Chernozem region of the Russian Federation. Field research was carried out in 2004-2022 in industrial apple tree plantations at the age of full fruiting in the Lipetsk (two farms) and Tambov (eight farms) regions. Seven horticultural soil types have been studied. Based on statistical analysis, a mathematical model of apple tree productivity was obtained in the form of an analytical dependence on three factors. A geometric interpretation of the regression model is given using the Mathcad symbolic mathematics system in the form of response surfaces and the corresponding level lines. Practical recommendations are given for choosing rational parameters within selected intervals of factor variation.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):69-71
pages 69-71 views

Biological effect of dual-frequency laser pulse radiation during pre-sowing treatment of rice seeds at early stages of development under stressful environmental conditions

Apasheva L.M., Savransky V.V., Budnik M.I., Smurova L.A., Ovcharenko E.N., Kasaikina O.T., Lobanov A.V., Dyachenko I.V., Grudzinsky A.V., Sergeev S.N., Taraskin K.A., Barnashova E.K., Vertikova E.A.


The biological effect of two-frequency laser pulsed radiation produced on copper vapor during pre-sowing treatment of rice seeds of Veles and Leader varieties at early stages of development in extreme stressful environmental conditions has been studied. The copper vapor laser used in the experiment had the following output characteristics: wavelengths of 510.6 nm (green radiation line) and 578.2 nm (yellow radiation line), pulse duration of 15 ns, repetition frequency of 10 kHz, total pulse power of 10 kW, energy-power ratio between the green and yellow radiation lines 3/1 The interaction of laser radiation with wavelengths of 510.6 and 578.2 nm in the nonlinear medium of the seed caused the formation of additional wavelengths: a total wavelength of 271 nm (ultraviolet radiation) and a difference wavelength of 4.37 microns. Exposure to each of the four wavelengths in its spectral range could lead to the initiation of at least four radiation-induced biochemical reactions. It is shown that pre-sowing treatment of rice seeds with two-frequency laser pulsed radiation for 5–20 seconds had a stimulating effect on the growth and development of rice (the greatest effect was when exposed to 5–10 seconds), and also increased its stability when grown in extreme stressful environmental conditions (moisture deficiency, depleted soil) at early stages of development.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):72-76
pages 72-76 views

School of ecological selection of academician of the Russian academy of sciences V.F. Pivovarova

Pyshnaya O.N., Gurkina L.K., Pinchuk E.V.


The article outlines the main milestones in the formation of the scientific school of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Fedorovich Pivovarov – a talented organizer of scientific research on vegetable growing, a leading scientist in the field of ecology, introduction, selection and seed production of vegetable crops, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize and Government Prizes of the Russian Federation V. Pivovarov. F. has extensive experience both in Russia and abroad in solving theoretical and practical problems in the industry. He developed a new scientific direction of research on ecological selection and genetics of vegetable crops. The article presents the directions of the ecological selection scientific school: increasing the adaptability of agricultural crops to various environmental factors; identifying the peculiarities of the genotype-environment interaction; development of methods for accelerating the breeding process to create highly productive varieties and hybrids resistant to abiotic and biotic stressors; ecological selection for low levels of radionuclides and technologies that reduce the amount of pollutants in vegetable products. School of V.F. Pivovarov Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences was organized on the basis of common scientific interests, the importance of environmental research for breeding, a high level of scientific results, continuity and great development prospects.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):77-80
pages 77-80 views

Preservation of the seed collection during the Great Patriotic War

Zakharova O.A., Kucher O.D.


The article examines the historically significant period of N.I. Vavilov’s activities and his team in conducting 108 expeditions and collecting plant seeds in more than 1000 countries worldwide. By 1940, the collection was the largest in the world. Vavilov’s research aimed to study the genetic potential of seeds, establish centers of origin for wild and cultivated plants, their role in human practical activities, and the formation and replenishment of the collection initiated before the revolution by the founders of applied botany. Additionally, the article analyzes the challenging periods experienced by the collection, such as the formation of Soviet Russia, the Siege of Leningrad, and participation in the restoration of the devastated agriculture after Victory in World War II. Special attention is paid to the involvement of employees of the Federal Research Center “N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources” (VIR) in preserving the collection during the Siege of Leningrad. The practical application of the research results lies in understanding the importance of preserving plant genetic resources for food security and sustainable development of rural regions. The publication emphasizes not only the historical value of the seed collection but also its contemporary significance as an important resource for scientific research and practical use in agriculture. The scientific article also highlights the heroic efforts of VIR employees, who endured the harsh conditions of the Siege of Leningrad but continued to carefully preserve plant seeds, contributing to the survival and revival of agriculture in our homeland. The dedication and professionalism of the employees to the cause are underscored. Thus, the article reveals the historical and practical significance of the VIR seed collection, an important national genetic resource that continues to serve the goals of agricultural science and practice.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):81-83
pages 81-83 views

Modern methods for determining heavy metals in soil

Klimakov N.I., Kucher D.E.


This article discusses the problem of heavy metal detection in soil and its impact on vegetation. Based on the experience of foreign and domestic research, this article discusses global fundamental problems and challenges, modern methods of heavy metal detection, as well as prospects for further research and new challenges facing the scientific community. The aim of the study is to identify modern and established methods for the detection of heavy metals in soil, such as spectral analysis methods and reflectance spectra of plant parts. The review summarizes the results of experimental studies confirming the effectiveness of the combined sampling and spectrometry method for estimating the concentration of heavy metals in soil, as well as the feasibility of using plant reflectance spectra to measure pollution. World experience confirms the expediency of using spectral approaches to determine heavy metals in soil and analyze their impact on vegetation. The results of the research have practical application in the field of ecology, agriculture and nature protection, allow effectively controlling the level of heavy metal pollution and taking measures for its elimination.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):84-89
pages 84-89 views

Veterinary Science

B12 deficiency: vital aspects and valid clinical applicability of succinate containing cyanocobalamin

Evglevsky A.A., Shuklin S.I.


The aim of the research is to review the vital pathological processes in B12 insufficiency and the clinical justification for the use of succinate to potentiate the biological activity of cyanocobalamin. It has been shown that one of the possible reasons for the low clinical efficacy of cyanocobalamin is energy deficiency. The energy deficit is caused by a malfunction of the energy metabolism occurring in conditions of low oxygen supply. In the course of clinical studies, it was found that the double injection of succinate containing cyanocobalamin to cows in the highest possible single doses provided rapid normalization of the reserve alkalinity index and ketone bodies. This effect indicated a qualitative improvement in the processes of energy metabolism occurring in the liver. This was also indicated by a decrease in the physiological values of protein and transamination enzymes AlAT and AsAT. On the contrary, the use of pharmacopoeial cyanocobalamin had no significant effect. Thus, there is every reason to believe that the inclusion of sodium succinate in cyanocobalamin is justified, since it allows to qualitatively improve the biological activity of the drug.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):90-94
pages 90-94 views


Biochemical and morphological blood parameters and the level of natural resistance of imported cows in Armenia

Muradyan A.M., Solovyova O.I., Ruzanova N.G., Aksenova O.N.


The article presents the results of a comparative study morphological and biochemical features of blood and indicators natural resistance of imported Holstein cows, Simmental and brown Swiss cows, in the conditions of the farm LLC “Agroholding Armenia” near the city of Spitak, mountainous area of the Republic Armenia. For the purpose of conducting the experiment, 3 groups of animals were formed I – Holstein, II – Simmental and III – brown Swiss, 15 heads each one. The groups were compiled using the method of analog groups. Conditions the contents and feeding were the same and in accordance with the accepted According to the technology, the cows had an average fatness. The results of our research have been confirmed, what are the fluctuations morphological and biochemical parameters of the blood of the bred farms of imported breeds have minor difference from existing physiological norms, but according to the content of cow globulin groups II and III were inferior to the norm, which may be due to pedigree features in the existing conditions of feeding and maintenance. Hematological date and indicators of natural resistance they testify to the best adaptive qualities and adaptive the possibilities of imported animals.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):95-98
pages 95-98 views

Toxicological characteristics of the drug Hyperico

Sklyarov O.D., Rakhmatullin E.K., Babicheva O.V., Litvinov N.A.


The article presents the results of a study of the toxicity of the drug Hyperico. It has been established that the drug is low-toxic and safe for animals with daily use. It does not provoke the development of pathological reactions. According to the classification of Hodge and Sterner (1943), Hyperico can be classified as toxicity class 6 – relatively harmless. The LD50 value of the drug after intragastric administration to white rats was ≥ 36400 mg/kg, to mice – ≥ 45400 mg/kg, irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract was not observed. According to GOST, Hyperico belongs to the 4th hazard rating, that is low-hazard substances. Based on the results of the study, a reasonable conclusion can be made that Hyperico does not have a toxic effect on calves. There are no contraindications for conducting clinical trials of the drug Hyperico.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):99-101
pages 99-101 views

Veterinary entomology

Ectozoans of dogs and cats

Domatsky V.N., Sivkova E.I.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the species composition and distribution of ectoparasites of dogs and cats on the territory of the Russian Federation. Research objectives: to study the epizootic situation regarding ectoparasites of dogs and cats on the territory of the Russian Federation. Ectoparasites of dogs and cats are widespread in the Russian Federation and pose the greatest danger as carriers of pathogens of infectious and invasive diseases. Depending on the region, the species composition and abundance of ectoparasites varies significantly. Thus, in Moscow, aphanipterosis (46–62%), otodectosis in cats (34–38%) and demodicosis in dogs (39%) were more often recorded. When examining dogs in Tyumen with diseases of the skin and hair, skin diseases of parasitic etiology were recorded in 33.86% of all examined animals. Aphanipteriosis was detected more often – 28.55%, otodectosis – 21.9%, flea allergic dermatitis – 14.65%, cheyletiosis – 13.2%, demodicosis – 12.6%, sarcoptic mange – 9.1%. A study of dogs and cats in Novosibirsk identified 6 types of parasites: Ctenocephalides canis, Otodectes cynotis, Demodex canis, Notoedres cati, Sarcoptes canis and Cheyletiella jascuri. Among cats and dogs. the most common were: aphanipterosis 4.8%, otodectosis 1.9%, demodicosis 0.23%, notoedrosis 0.14%, sarcoptic mange 0.09% and cheyletiellosis 0.3%. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, dogs and cats were diagnosed with infestation of two types of fleas (Ctenocephalides felis, C. canis), one type of lice-eater (Trichodectes canis), in addition, the following were found on the animals’ bodies: dog louse (Linognathus setosus), ixodid ticks Dermacentor reticulates, D. marginatus and I. ricinus. Thus, aphanipterosis (4.78–62.0%) and demodicosis (2.52–39.0%) are more often recorded in dogs; trichodectosis (0.64–4.2%) and ixodid ticks (9.75%) are less common. –18.0%), sarcoptic mange (1.0–9.1%), otodectosis (0.17–1.94%), and in cats – otodectosis (34–63%), notoedrosis (0.31–8.9%) and cheyletiellosis (0.27%).

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):102-106
pages 102-106 views

Processes & Machines of Agroengineer Systems

Energy-saving technology for harvesting root crops and potatoes

Sibirev A.V., Mosyakov M.A., Sazonov N.V., Mansurov A.P., Lobachevsky Y.P.


The purpose of the work is to empirically determine the temperature of the exhaust gases when changing the load on the power plant of a beet harvester with a separating system that provides better harvesting quality in conditions of high soil moisture. Have been developed: classification of methods for increasing the separating ability of slot-hole devices for cleaning root crops; laboratory installation for determining the quality indicators of a separation system with thermal energy for exhaust gas purification with a star-shaped cleaning device; a method for assessing the process of heat transfer from the exhaust gases of the power plant of the self-propelled harvester for harvesting sugar beets Holmer Terra Dos T3 to the separating system, which involves determining the temperature using thermocouples installed at various points in the gas exhaust system of the internal combustion engine. An experimental study of the temperature of the exhaust gases of the power plant of a harvesting machine was carried out using thermocouples at maximum rotation speed with a change in the thermal load index of the external environment from 5 to 30°C. The heat of the exhaust gases from the Mercedes-Benz power plant of the Holmer Terra Dos T3 self-propelled harvester, aimed at blowing the working surface of the separating device at the outlet of the first and fourth, as well as the second and third cylinders, has minor discrepancies exceeding the error limits (65 ± 5.8; 63.2 ± 1.5 and 74.9 ± 2.4; 75.2 ± 2.0°C, respectively), which leads to a uniform distribution of heat flow on the device for cleaning sugar beet roots.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(4):107-112
pages 107-112 views

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