Toxicological characteristics of the drug Hyperico

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The article presents the results of a study of the toxicity of the drug Hyperico. It has been established that the drug is low-toxic and safe for animals with daily use. It does not provoke the development of pathological reactions. According to the classification of Hodge and Sterner (1943), Hyperico can be classified as toxicity class 6 – relatively harmless. The LD50 value of the drug after intragastric administration to white rats was ≥ 36400 mg/kg, to mice – ≥ 45400 mg/kg, irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract was not observed. According to GOST, Hyperico belongs to the 4th hazard rating, that is low-hazard substances. Based on the results of the study, a reasonable conclusion can be made that Hyperico does not have a toxic effect on calves. There are no contraindications for conducting clinical trials of the drug Hyperico.

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About the authors

O. D. Sklyarov

Federal State Institution “The Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Animal Drugs and Feed”

Author for correspondence.

Grand PhD in Veterinary Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow

E. K. Rakhmatullin

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety”


Grand PhD in Veterinary Sciences

Russian Federation, Kazan

O. V. Babicheva

Federal State Institution “The Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Animal Drugs and Feed”


Leading Researcher

Russian Federation, Moscow

N. A. Litvinov

Federal State Institution “The Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Animal Drugs and Feed”


Leading Specialist

Russian Federation, Moscow


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