Technologies of the future agro-industrial complex in the aspect of complexity theory

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The article is devoted to the problem area of the Russian agro-industrial complex – the complexity of the emerging set of technologies. The focus is on complexity theory, implemented within the framework of synergetics. The range of issues discussed are includes: prerequisites for the formation of complexity theory in agricultural science; creation of a generalized concept of the agricultural technologies complexity; architecture of the complexity of production, processing and food technologies as a whole; features of the mathematical apparatus for modeling agro-industrial complex technological complexes; an emergent effect that arises from the interaction of heterogeneous technologies that have a common goal; designing the complexity of connected technologies; the pace of the combined technologies development; technological requirements for the output parameters of processes throughout the entire technological chain; features of the design of complex technologies with a quantitative assessment of their level of complexity; consideration of a complex technological system as an object of synergetics.

Particular attention was paid to the dialectical development of complexes of modern innovative technologies as the theoretical basis for the entry of the Russian agro-industrial complex into the Sixth technological order.

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About the authors

V. A. Panfilov

K.A. Timiyazev Russian State Agrarian Universiti – MTAA

Author for correspondence.

Academician of the RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow


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