Metacentric concept of agricultural production development in the Russian Federation subarctic climate zone

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The results of an ecologically and economically sound analysis of the prospects for increasing the efficiency of agricultural use of the territory of the Subarctic climatic zone of the Russian Federation based on the rational use of modern technologies, increasing soil fertility, the formation of adaptive agrophytocenoses of various specialization in substituting areas of economic activity in order to self-supply the local population with agricultural products and increase the potential for sustainable development of regions are presented.

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About the authors

V. I. Startsev

FGBNU “All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology”

Author for correspondence.

Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Russian Federation, Bolshye Vyazemy, Moscow region

S. A. Solovyev

Russian Academy of Sciences


Academician of the RAS, Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow

N. V. Novichkov



Grand PhD in Economics Sciences, Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow

V. G. Novikov



Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow


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