
State Anti-Crisis Management:the Age of the Formation of a New Model(Review of the Monograph of the Collective of the Authors of the MGIMO Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the General Editorship of Professor E. V. Okhotskiy «Public Administration in the Conditions of Crisis and Sanctionary Constraints: Domestic and Foreign Experience».M.: MGIMO-University Publishers, 2017. 889 p.)
Ampleeva T.
Legislative Formation of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
Shelomentsev V.
Legal Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: Foreign Practices
Matyuk Y.
Pravovye osnovy i mekhanizmy mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva v sfere protivodeystviya korruptsii
Okhotskiy E.
Comparative Analysis of Individual Provisions of the National Security Strategies of the Russian Federation in 2015 and 2021
Titov A.
Political and Legal Aspects of Public Management in Crisis - the Global Dimension
Okhotsky E.
Finland’s Arctic strategy: international cooperation and legal aspects
Jilkine V.
Valuable Bases Prosecutor's National Security Activities
Agutin A., Serbic L.
Public administration in the political and legal space of modern Ukraine: problems, causes of failures, prospects
Okhotskiy Y.
Russia is in the grip of globalization, crisis and external pressure sanctioning
Okhotsky E.
Public administration in the political and legal space of modern Ukraine: European choice and effectiveness
Okhotsky E.
Legal Deterrent Strategy Against Illegal Management Actions
Lutsenko S.
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