Public administration in the political and legal space of modern Ukraine: problems, causes of failures, prospects

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The two-part article examines problems of political-legal basis of effective public administration of modern Ukraine, analyzes the reasons for the failure of the negative consequences of the current system of public administration, presents possible future development of the modern Ukrainian state under the rule of radical nationalism, Russophobia and external political and control action. The author substantiates the necessity of forming a modern legal, professional and moral culture of the management apparatus, mastering the ability to stimulate, create and multiply, but not to slow down and destroy.

The author of the article aims to prove scientifically and on concrete facts that the tasks of modernization and social renewal can be implemented effectively by a highly professional, well-structured, nationally oriented state apparatus, a highly effective and authoritative public service.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a dialectical materialistic approach to the analysis of social phenomena and mechanisms of public administration, both horizontally (genetic aspects) —the essence, laws, goals, functions, principles, specific historical manifestations (taking into account the geopolitical and national-country specifics), and vertically (ideals, interests, forms and methods of legal regulation and strategic management influence) on them. A wide range of methods of scientific knowledge is used: comparative-legal, formal-logical, concrete-historical, system-functional.

The article presents the author’s analysis of the inconsistency of post-soviet state construction, as well as the features and effectiveness of public administration and the causes of the crisis trend of socio-economic development of modern Ukraine, possible scenarios for future development. It is proved that the current stage of historical development for Ukraine is not just a period of becoming a sovereign state, but a “time of revaluation of historical values” and an attempt to adapt to the standards of the European way of life. In the meantime, the country is going through an extremely difficult, in fact, systemic crisis stage of state construction.

The author comes to the conclusion that in fact there is no strategically effective management system in modern Ukraine. The task of forming an effective system of public administration remains one of the most urgent tasks. Management goals and measures for their effective implementation must be politically, legally and economically justified, reflect the deep interest of society with the understanding that if a country does not have a strategic goal and no higher meanings, then life turns into a meaningless existence, the state falls into a situation of turbulence, disintegration and dispersion. Therefore, what is planned should be implemented systematically and consistently, in strict accordance with the law and in a healthy moral and political space. The key to success is social trust, strong political leadership, responsibility and constructive action.

About the authors

Yevgeny Okhotskiy

MFA of Russia (MGIMO University), Institute of Sociology RAS

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 5544-0039

Dr. Sci. (Soc), Prof., Moscow State University of International Relations

Russian Federation, 76 Vernadsky Ave., Moscow, 119454


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