
Tax and Legal Anthropology and Modernity
Karaseva M.
Problems and Prospects of Research of Legal Life of a Person and Society
Popov E.
Quasi value of the modern theory of the object crime
Bochkarev S.
Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravoi global'naya spravedlivost':oksyumoron ili novaya normal'nost'
Al'bov A., Bulavina M.
Imperatives of a democratic secular state are the foundation of a spiritual and moral consolidation of society
Okhotsky Y.
Corporate Legal Relations in a Commercial Organization: Analysis of the Essence and Legal Nature
Minakova I.
Illegal employment: problems to prosecute subjects of labor relations
Galaeva L.
Social normativity: public relations principle of morality and law
Katsapova I.
Criminally-legal characteristic of crimes in the sphere of economy
Prorvich V.
The theoretical basis of the quality of labour legislation
Almaeva Y.
State Interest in the Aspect of Modern International Relations
Motova E.
«Enterprise Law» - from fiction to real branch of the law
Aistova L.
Modern problems of jurisprudence in the context of the social role of the law
Catzapava I.
The Concept, System, and Types of Currency Crimes
Pechegin D.
New trends in the modern understanding of economical relations regulation by economical and legal laws
Vasiliev A.
The Economic System as the Object of the Constitutional-Legal Research
Grigorieva V.
Object of the Crime as a Symbol in the Doctrine of the Composition of the Crime
Goncharova N.
Freedoms of work as value of the right and consequence of its realization
Chikireva I.
Constitutionalization of International Law in Light of Modern International Relations
Aznagulova G.
Budget and legal property relations of the formation of budget revenues
Paul A.
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