Freedoms of work as value of the right and consequence of its realization

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In article it is noted that freedom of work defined by the Constitution, had direct impact on development of variety of forms of application of work. The greatest volume of privileges and guarantees is provided for the citizens which activity is issued by the service contract and the employment contract, minimum - for the persons working on the contract of civil character. Problems of legal regulation of the atypical labor relations, work of loan and remote workers, psychological prosecution at («mobbing») work are considered. If the atypical labor relations are actually issued by the civil contract, possibility of recognition their labor on the basis of article 11 of the Labour code is minimum. The constitutional freedom of work affected that the labor relations became more flexible, having changed and quantitatively (by types), and is qualitative (on signs, subjects, object and the contents), but changes have to take place in the certain limits caused by socially directed purposes and tasks of the Constitution and the labor legislation.

About the authors

I Р Chikireva

Tyumen state university



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