Game as a method for increasing the efficiency of legal thinking





The present paper has as its object the investigation of the methodological basis for improving the effectiveness of legal thinking in game. The place of legal thinking is defined as a constitutive component of law and as a way of constructing legal reality. This paper identifies the problem of the need to improve the efficiency of legal thinking, proposes criteria for effective legal thinking (competitiveness, creativity, productivity, risk-orientation, proactivity, speed) and justifies why the game is the main methodological tool to increase the effectiveness of legal thinking. This paper focuses on the intersubjective context of the game, on the game methodological design’s features, on the peculiarities of the game in the context of globalization. The problem of the educational crisis is designated primarily as a methodological crisis associated with the application of traditional teaching methods to the generation that requires new creative teaching methods. It is substantiated that the game from a methodological point of view allows to reorient the teaching of the discipline from the preferential appropriation of knowledge by students to their predominantly creative development and use. Unlike traditional teaching methods, the game helps not to accumulate and organize knowledge, but to generate it. Thanks to the game, a new type of thinking is being formed — creative thinking.


Iya Osvetimskaya

National Research University of Higher School of Economics (Campus in Saint-Petersburg); Saint Petersburg State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7869-7675
SPIN 代码: 9254-4731

Candidate of Legal Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and History of Law and State; Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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