Local government and prosecutor’s office: problems of legislative regulation

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On the basis of the analysis of legislation and juridical practice the article deals with the issues of optimization of the legal basis of interaction between local authorities and the prosecutor’s office. The purpose of this study is to solve the problems of legal regulation in the field of: implementation of prosecutorial supervision of law-making and other activities of local governments, cooperation of prosecutors and local authorities, assistance and assistance of prosecutors to local governments. The author examines the constitutional principles governing the activities of bodies of curator and local governments, their combination in areas of joint activity. At the same time it is concluded that the implementation of these principles is aimed, on the one hand, at the solution of state tasks to strengthen the rule of law, protection of human rights and freedoms and, on the other, — to expand the freedom and independence of local self-government. The article describes and classifies the forms of interaction between the prosecutor’s office and local authorities. Using the methods of scientific research (systematic, comparative legal, modeling, formal legal, etc.), the author comes to the conclusions about the insufficiency of the existing legal mechanism to optimize their joint activities on the issues of law-making and law enforcement, the need to supplement the current legislation with local forms of interaction initiated on the ground. The practical purpose of these and other conclusions is that they can be used in the preparation of relevant changes and additions to the federal legislation, as well as for educational purposes and practical work of the prosecutor’s office and local authorities.

About the authors

Alexander A. Uvarov

International Innovative University

Author for correspondence.
Email: uvarov.al@mail.ru

Doctor of law, Professor

Russian Federation, Sochi


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