Corruption and Legalization of Illegal Revenue: Legal and Political Applications Aspects of Evaluation and Reaction

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The article is not a classic scientific review of the monograph, but a kind of reflection in connection with the publication of the book devoted to one of the relevant for science, modern political reality and public management practice of research problems - the problem of combating corruption and combating the legalization of illegally obtained income. Any action aimed at concealing the criminal nature of their origin, as well as the use of illegally obtained income without attempts to give their origin a seemingly legitimate form, is classified as laundering of illegal income. The leading motive of writing the article was that the reviewed edition presents the author’s concept of a comprehensive study of domestic and international problems of combating corruption and combating money laundering. Domestic and foreign historical experience and modern most effective anti-corruption practices, as well as legal mechanisms, political means, financial and economic instruments used in the practice of fighting elite corruption are studied. Particular attention is drawn to those used in the practice of joint actions of government agencies, civil society institutions and corporations. Key concepts of the research context: corruption is abuse of social and legal status in the interests of self-interest; illegal activity (action or inaction) is the use of status powers in order to obtain property or non-property benefits, benefits and advantages; greed is a motive characterized by the desire of the subject to extract material or other benefits, to enrich or enrich others by illegal immoral; legalization is illegal criminal activity in order to give legal character to the possession, use and disposal of income obtained illegally in the context of their political, legal, material and procedural aspects. Political problems of combating corruption are understood as problems of combating the practice of self-serving use of power, which is incompatible with the normal. Modern categorical apparatus, methods of system analysis, comparative, retrospective and evolutionary approaches allowed the author to realize his main research goal is to develop a set of theoretical provisions and practical proposals, which together represent the modern concept of the optimal model of interaction between the state and corporations in the practice of combating corruption.

About the authors

E V Okhotsky




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