On the Consolidation in the Legislation of the Concept of Rational Use of Land

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The article discusses how the definition of rational use of land is disclosed in the legislation, as well as how it corresponds to the more applicable at the moment the concept of improper use of land. This definition is important for land legislation and it was widely used in the Soviet period. But unambiguous def inition and at that time there was no.Conceptual-legally and comparative-legal methods are applied.Thus it is stated that as a result of changes of the land legislation of the last years the definitions in this area became worse that is fraught with negative consequences in law enforcement. In particular, gross violation of the rules of rational use of land plot entails a sanction in the form of the possibility of seizure of land plot from its owner. The author for the first time analyzes these issues in conditions of exclusion in 2016 from legislation the majority of the norms with mention of improper use of land. The author of article suggests either to return in the Land code the corresponding definition, or (which is better) to disclose the concept of rationality in the Federal Law «About Land Use Planning». According to this law, the maintenance of land use planning includes activities for the study of land, planning and organization of rational use of land and their protection. Therefore, the essence of rational and improper use of land must be defined in this Federal Law. Since its adoption in 2001, the Federal Law «About Land Use Planning» has acquired a reduced form. So geodetic and cartographic works, territorial land management is no longer in it. Land plots, zones with special conditions of use of territories and territorial zones already are no its objects. Therefore, a new version of this law is necessary.

About the authors

S A Lipski

State University of Land Use Planning

Email: lipski-sa@yandex.ru


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