Reception of Social Legal PrinciplesState Law-Making Institutions

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The purpose of this article is to analyze the feasibility and the basic mechanisms of borrowing of the individual benefits of the standards of conduct, the current in society (public legal principles), the activities of state authorities. The author comes to the following conclusion: reception of the socio-legal basis of state institutions capable of providing public support for the implementation of state standards; positive impact on the rule of law and the lawmaking process; to determine the restoration of the unity of law as a system that combines public and state foundations; seamlessly integrate the benefits of state and public began legal regulation. The methodology used in the preparation of this study presented a systematic, functional methods of learning; methods of induction, comparison and analysis. In addition, the author relied on the General dialectic method of cognition. Applications received by the author’s findings and conclusions are the theory of state and law, jurisprudence, philosophy of law, constitutional law.

About the authors

A Yu Garashko

Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot



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