Legal Mode of the Seal of Confession. Correlation of Secular and Canon Law

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The scope of regulation of social relations associated with both secular and canon law are of great interest for the researchers. In particular, they are related to the constitutional presumption of separation of church and state. At the same time, there is the tendency of more convergence of the church with the state in matters concerning property, correlation of church and secular education, etc. Implementing the mode of limited information access, the subjects of which are the clergy, is also a sphere of common interest for the state and the church. The use of the comparative - legal research methods, methods of analysis and synthesis of the situation have made it possible to relate the norms of canon and secular law, and identify elements of their relations. The main purpose of the paper is the comprehensive research of the seal of the confessional, its conceptual apparatus, regulation, judicial practice, forms and types of responsibility for its violation. This paper examines the historical aspects of the formation of the seal of confession, starting with the Spiritual Regulations and up to modern ecclesiastical and secular norms. It indicates the specifics of the Spiritual Regulations, which excluded the absolute inviolability of the seal of the confessional, provided the information is related to the security of higher officials. The paper also deals with the legal framework of the seal of the confessional, being a professional religious mystery as well as the legal mode and a form of the information limited in access. With reference to the Basics of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church the requirements for a priest how to qualify the information told by his parishioner. The article contains some features of the seal of the confession practice abroad, particularly in Germany and the USA. Occasionally, US law provides for the circumstances where the communication of the clergy and their parishioners should remain confidential. There is, however, the requirement compelling the priest to report where protection of children is involved. The jurisprudence support the rules regulating the seal of confession. Three relevant cases have been studied by the authors and they highlight the separation of secular and religious laws.

About the authors

D V Shibaev

North-Western Institute (branch) of Kutafin Law University (MSLA)



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