About the Evidentiary Value of Video Recordings of Investigative Actions

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Carrier of a video, made in the course of investigative actions, is an application to the report and, as a result, the video is devoid of evidentiary value. It also can’t be considered as evidence on grounds other document. The same applies to other means of fixing of a course and results of investigative actions, photographing, mapping, etc. Assuming this situation as abnormal, the author offers to reform the crimi- nal procedure law. It maybe bring about some potential practical difficulty. So, the procedural status of the applications to the report is unclear (or rather, unusual). Especially it concern to the electronic carriers of information, in particular contains large amounts of such information. The consequence of the proposed procedural novels, it would seem, will be the fact that all of this information immediately acquire the status of evidence. But it is not always justified. The article proposes to consider the situation by analogy with seizures of documents.

About the authors

M R Glushkov

Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Email: factasunt@mail.ru


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