«Basic Education» and «Vocational Profile» as Ideologemes of the Bologna system

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The article deals with two unquestioned hereto terms: «basic education» and “(scientific) profile”. The author unmasks their logical incoherence and ideological bias. The target of special critique is the Bologna system of higher education with its depersonalization of education in the disguise of the battle for objectivity and fragmentation of education in the disguise of its differentiation. As a lawyer, the author favours the normativist method, which inevitably combines with the systematic analysis of the federal legislation on education. The author also applies the juridical hermeneutics as elaborated by Frederic Carl von Savigny while analysing the actual problems of the Russian higher education. Within the nascent educational law of Russia the author suggests, firstly, differentiating between the exclusive and inclusive interpretation methods. Secondly, he insists on the necessity of subjecting the eventual decision act for or against either of these methods to the rule of law imperative and the principle of the social state as anchored in the Russian constitution of 1993.

About the authors

S V Korolev

State and law institute of the Russian academy of sciences

Email: srgkr2015@gmail.com


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