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Vol 10, No 5 (2023)

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Labor efficiency in the mobilization economy

Ermakov G.P., Ganieva Y.N., Petryakov S.N., Petryakov D.S.


The article substantiates the necessity and inevitability of Russia\'s transition to the mobilization economy, the revision of the concept of labor efficiency and the status of its production efficiency in such an economy. The authors' definition of the production efficiency of labor as a category characterizing its ability to generate a production effect in natural units of measurement in maximum volumes using a certain amount of natural labor costs is proposed. In the mobilization economy, the indicator of the productive efficiency of labor in kind should have the status of an official evaluation indicator. The method of calculating hourly and annual labor productivity in natural units of measurement and the results of its implementation in the production of certain types of products is proposed.The article will be of interest to specialists and analysts in the field of labor economics, as well as to all those who are interested in labor efficiency.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):635-652
pages 635-652 views

Two-factor labor supply functions at the macro level: a topic with variations

Vinokurov E.F.


The method of determining the function of labor supply at the macro level is presented in several variants. On the example of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, the results of experimental calculations based on this method are presented. Dynamic series of characteristics of the Russian labor market are used. A non-standard approach to determining the parameters of regression equations, which are modified labor supply functions, has been tested. This approach is based on the absolute values of deviations of the theoretical values of the function from the observed ones. The value of these functions is the level of population economic activity; real wages are an argument. The value of labor supply, i.e. labor force, is defined as the value of a two-factor function. Its arguments are real wages and the size of the age cohort of the economically active population. The technique under consideration gives results that adequately reflect reality.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):653-664
pages 653-664 views

Digital transformation and unemployment: how to reconcile technological progress and employment

Veshkurova A.B., Terganov Y.K.


The article discusses the need to combine technological progress and employment by introducing appropriate regulatory mechanisms and educational programs aimed at improving skills and developing new professional skills.The authors conclude that digital transformation not only does not increase the risks of mass unemployment, but on the contrary contributes to the growth of labor productivity. Those countries that maintain a leading position in the labor market with the help of automation overcome the shortage of labor resources and also improve the quality of products. However, automation increases the demand for digital skills, so it is necessary to increase the share of digital professions and specialties as part of vocational training programs.The article also describes various approaches to vocational training depending on age with an emphasis on the development of cross-functionality and increasing opportunities for career growth. The authors also emphasize that artificial intelligence should be used in combination with human expertise to determine the optimal trajectory of a person's professional development.The article may be of interest to representatives of employment services, as well as researchers in the field of labor market and employment.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):665-684
pages 665-684 views

Peculiarities of regulating social and labor relations of young people in the PRC

Chzhan C.


In the context of the systemic socio-economic crisis, accelerating the integration of the PRC into global political and economic processes and increasing the pressure of globalization, the task of building a society of innovation and determining effective trajectories, as well as the likely contours of modernization of all spheres of government, is on the agenda. This will allow China to become one of the most highly developed countries and increase the country's ranking position in the dynamically changing global structure of the world.In this context, transformational changes in social and labor relations have a high level of relevance. Their regulation has a distinctly situational and sometimes social character. The modernization effects of social and labor relations extend not only to the labor market but also determine the ability of society to introduce technological advances, reproduce the desired qualitative parameters of the workforce and form productive models of labor behavior. Innovation is the identifier and condition for the modernization of social and labor relations; and youth is a conductor of innovative development.The experience of China can be useful for understanding the differences between the social and labor relations of young people in China and in Russia. However, this topic remains little studied in Russia. This justifies the choice of the topic of this article.This article solves the actual problem of studying the peculiarities of regulating social and labor relations of young people in China. The article will be of interest to students of higher educational institutions in the preparation of professional personnel in the field of human capital management and the adaptation of labor resources to modern labor market requirements.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):685-694
pages 685-694 views

Irkutsk region labor market in the crisis period

Nosyreva I.G.


The relevance of the research problem is related to the fact that in recent years the labor market has been influenced by various factors: pandemic, digitalization, sanctions policy and mobilization. Their effects are still insufficiently studied. Some of these factors increased the risks of technological unemployment, while others increased the risks of structural unemployment. The article identifies the main demographic trends in the Irkutsk region and their impact on the labor market: a systematic decline in the population and a reduction in the number of labor resources against this background. The author analyzes the components of this dynamics and concludes that this was due to both the natural decline of the population and the negative balance of migration. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the economic crisis and the situation of uncertainty in the labor market caused by the pandemic affected the decline in the number of employed in the Irkutsk region also caused a significant increase in total and registered unemployment. At the same time, the declared need for labor remained quite high. This allowed to conclude that the labor shortage situation in the regional labor market, despite the economic crisis, prevails.Based on the conducted research, the author came to the conclusion that in 2022 the situation has stabilized. The statistical indicators of the labor market have returned to pre-crisis values, which indicates the manifestation of adaptive mechanisms of the regional labor market. The article may be of interest to specialists, academic staff, students studying the problems of the labor market and employment.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):715-730
pages 715-730 views

Calculation and evaluation of the balance between the accumulation and use of human capital in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District

Zharova E.A.


The article is devoted to the empirical assessment of the balance between the accumulation and use of human capital in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District. The main features of the socio-economic development of these regions are considered. There is the need to develop approaches to managing regional development, taking into account the balance between the accumulation and use of human capital. The empirical assessment on the basis of the authors' methodology of the interregional balance of human capital was carried out. This made it possible to reflect the balance both within the regions and at the interregional level. Based on the analysis of interregional balance, the scenarios typical for the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District are identified. The corresponding model of regional development management is determined. The analysis of regional strategic planning documents in terms of human capital management was carried out. Recommendations on management mechanisms within the framework of the designated model are formulated. The proposed recommendations can be reflected in the conceptual documents of strategic planning for the regions considered.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):731-748
pages 731-748 views

Evaluating the economic efficiency of investments in staff

Balashova N.V., Kharykina V.S.


It is necessary to evaluate the return on investment in personnel for all companies of all industries and sizes if the organization values qualified and motivated personnel whose results contribute to the achievement of business goals. However, it is quite difficult to make an accurate calculation since there is no single approach to how exactly to measure the effectiveness of investments in personnel. When calculating, it is important to take into account the needs of the organization and understand which indicators should be improved.The article considers the indicators reflecting the Russian practice of measuring the effectiveness of investments and describes the main indicators of the effectiveness of investments in the personnel of foreign companies.Methodological guidelines developed for the company in order to establish common approaches to assessing the effectiveness of measures that allow generating information necessary for making informed management decisions are presented.The authors propose a classification of indicators to assess the economic effect of investments in personnel by project groups.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):749-764
pages 749-764 views

Single-parent household in Russia: scale, problems and social assistance

Smirnov V.M., Selivanova O.V.


The article is devoted to the study of the characteristics of single-parent households with children. The poverty risks of such families significantly exceed the poverty risks of full families with children. On the basis of official statistical data, the main trends and characteristics of low-income single-parent households in Russia are discussed. During the analysis of the poverty profiles of single-parent households in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional peculiarities were identified. The main reasons for single-parent households falling below the poverty line were particularized. Based on the data of the Pension Fund of Russia for 2022, the analysis of monthly payments for children aged 8 to 17 years provided to poor single-parent households was carried out; and their contribution to the reduction of regional poverty of families with children was determined. The results of the analysis of the characteristics of poor single-parent households with children, as well as measures of state social support to these families can be used by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of preventive measures to prevent the transition of the population near the poverty line into the category of poor.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):695-714
pages 695-714 views

Remuneration in a knowledge-intensive companies and the specifics of the conceptual framework applied to remuneration

Berestova N.Y.


How to manage personnel and develop human capital are the key tasks of any modern organization. At the same time, effective functioning can be only if it is integrated as a whole into the management strategy of the organization itself and corresponds to it.The organization strives to attract and retain the most competent staff and experienced staff in the necessary specialty occupation, contributing to increased labor productivity. The dominant method of solving this problem is to build an effective system of staff motivation. At the same time, the system should be open and easy to understand for any employee and transparent for investors.The definition of remuneration is presented. Related definitions are considered. A comparative characteristic of the definitions of different authors is given.The features of intellectual remuneration and remuneration at a knowledge-intensive company are reflected. Their features, differences and areas of application are considered.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):765-788
pages 765-788 views

Identification of upstream causes in the investigation of company fatalities

Komin A.I.


The article is devoted to the problem of identifying the upstream causes as a result of a fatal industrial accident. The author has proposed a model for identifying the upstream causes of industrial accidents. A step-by-step analysis of the accident was carried out. As a result, the upstream causes were identified; and measures to prevent such cases were proposed. It is concluded that it is necessary to change the approach to the investigation of an industrial accident, since the main attention should be focused on the chain of events that led to the accident. This approach will help to take the most effective measures that will ensure safe working conditions for employees.
Russian Journal of Labor Economics. 2023;10(5):789-802
pages 789-802 views

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