The Unknown Dostoevsky

Dostoevsky works have acquired global significance. Public intellectuals and great artists have compared him to Shakespeare. The entire world hails Dostoevsky as a novelist, psychologist, philosopher and preacher. A writer and prophet, critic and columnist, editor and journalist – he still stirs up disputes and contradictory judgments. His artistic credibility is still determined by literary myths, rather than persuasive assumptions. Today, there is no shortage of traditional and ingenious interpretations of his writings, concepts of his work, but the crisis of contemporary research is apparent: the critical essays are dominated by patchwork strategies, the question of textual criticism, archival sources and the reception of Dostoevsky’s legacy in journalism and critical studies in 1845–1931 are insufficiently studied. There is a persistent need to expand the source base for the research into Dostoevsky’s biography and work. The mission of Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii=The Unknown Dostoevsky research journal is to attract and support such research.

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