Editorial Team



Владимир Николаевич Захаров

Zakharov Vladimir Nikolaevich
(Petrozavodsk, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of Russian Literature and Journalism, Petrozavodsk State University, President of the International Dostoevsky Society (IDS) from 2013 till 2019, since 2019 its’ Honorary President

Specialization: history of Russian literature, literary theory, historical poetics, ethnopoetics, textual criticism, Dostoevsky's works, information technologies in philological research and education

eLibrary: 3286-1830

SCOPUS Author ID: 55236386400

Researcher ID: H-5281-2016

ORCID: 0000-0002-2709-4145

E-mail: vnz01@yandex.ru

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/278/zakharov


Editorial staff


Игорь Леонидович Волгин

Volgin Igor Leonidovich
(Moscow, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University and the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute; Vice-President of the International Dostoevsky Society. Founder and President of F. M. Dostoevsky Fund. Host of the program "Igra v biser" and "Context" on the TV channel "Russia-Culture”

Specialization: history of Russian literature, works of Dostoevsky, Russian journalism

eLibrary: 5513-6650

SCOPUS Author ID: 55236783300

Researcher ID: ABE-7250-2021

E-mail: mail@volgin.ru

URL: http://www.journ.msu.ru/persons/1105/



Ирэн Зохраб

Irene Zohrab
(Wellington, New Zealand)

PhD, Honorary Researcher, The University of Victoria. Editor of the scientific journal “Dostoevsky Journal. A Comparative Literature Review”. Editor-in-chief of the “New Zealand Slavonic Journal”

Specialization: history of Russian literature, the work of Dostoevsky, Russian journalism, the weekly “Grazhdanin”

SCOPUS Author ID: 57202449660

ORCID: 0000-0001-8930-7313

E-mail: Irene.Zohrab@vuw.ac.nz

URL: http://www.journ.msu.ru/persons/1105/



Борис Николаевич Тихомиров

Boris N. Tikhomirov
(St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

PhD (Philology), Doctor of Philology, Deputy Director for Research, The F. M. Dostoevsky Literary-Memorial Museum, President of the Russian Society of Dostoevsky

Specialization: history of Russian literature, Dostoevsky's work, Russian journalism, textual criticism, archives, museology, local history, genealogy

eLibrary: 6347-3783

E-mail: btikhomirov@rambler.ru

URL: http://www.md.spb.ru/muzej/sotrudniki/ 

SCOPUS Author ID: 57195804685

 ORCID: 0000-0001-5278-313X



Вильям Милс Тодд III

William Mills Todd III
(Cambridge, USA)

PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Department of Slavic Languages and Sciences, Harvard University

Specialization: history of Russian literature, Dostoevsky's work, Pushkin's work, literary theory, genre, novel

SCOPUS Author ID: 56163428100

E-mail: todd@fas.harvard.edu

URL: https://faculty.slavic.fas.harvard.edu/william-todd/home



Editorial board


Стефано Алоэ

Stefano Aloe
(Verona, Italy)

PhD, Associate Professor and Researcher of Russian Literature, The University of Verona, President of the International Dostoevsky Society.

Specialization: history of Russian literature, the work of Dostoevsky, the work of Kuchelbecker, translation studies

SCOPUS Author ID: 57224170590 

ORCID: 0000-0002-1117-4423

E-mail: stefano.aloe@univr.it 

URL: http://www.dlls.univr.it/?ent=persona&id=898&lang=d 



Антощенко Александр Васильевич

Alexander V. Antoshchenko 
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of National History, Petrozavodsk State University.

Specialization: history of Russia of the 19th - early 20th centuries, archive, epistolary heritage, source study

eLibrary: 8184-4374

SCOPUS Author ID: 57191324310 

Researcher ID: AAG-5905-2019 

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2366-3750

E-mail: antoshchenko@yandex.ru

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/1189/antotshenko



Кэрол Аполлонио

Carol Apollonio
(Durham, USA)

PhD, Professor of the Practice of Slavic and Eurasian Studies of Duke University, President of the North American Dostoevsky Society. Editor of the journals “Slavic and East European Journal” and “Dostoevsky Studies”. President of the International Dostoevsky Society from 2019 to the present

Specialization: Dostoevsky's works, Chekhov's works, translation studies, Russian language, Japanese language

SCOPUS Author ID: 57201808113 

Researcher ID: T-6036-2019 

URL: https://slaviceurasian.duke.edu/people/carol-apollonio

E-mail: flath@duke.edu



Раффаэлла Вассена

Raffaella Vassena
(Milan, Italy)

PhD, Associate Professor of Russian Literature and Russian Theater, University of Milan

Specialization: Russian literature, translation studies, children's literature, children's journalism in Russia, Russian theater

SCOPUS Author ID: 13806409100 

E-mail: raffaella.vassena@unimi.it

URL: https://www.unimi.it/it/ugov/person/raffaella-vassena



Владимир Александрович Викторович

Vladimir A. Viktorovich
(Kolomna, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of Russian Literature of the State Socio-Humanitarian University, Vice-President of the Russian Dostoevsky Society. Chairman of the Executive Board of Nonprofit Partnership “Sacred Darovoye”.

Specialization: The works of Dostoevsky, Russian journalism of the 19th century, the weekly “Grazhdanin”

eLibrary: 7400-6800

SCOPUS Author ID: 57226158972 

Researcher ID: T-6036-2019 

ORCID: 0000-0001-9576-9522

E-mail: VA_Viktorovich@mail.ru

URL: http://gukolomna.ru/obrazovanie/kafedry/kafedra-russkogo-yazyka-i-literatury/



Алехандро Ариэль Гонсалес

Alejandro Ariel Gonzalez
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Translator and researcher of Russian literature, member of the Board of Directors International Dostoevsky Society, President of the Argentine Dostoevsky Society, editor-in-chief of the online journal of Slavic studies "Eslavia".

Specialization: Russian literature, translation studies, Russian language, Spanish language, works of Dostoevsky

ORCID: 0000-0001-8808-8251

E-mail: alexgon80@hotmail.com

URL: http://agonfilosofia.es/EstudiosDostoievski/



Каталин Кроо

Katalin Kroó
(Budapest, Hungary)

PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, The University ELTE, Budapest; Vice-President of the International Dostoevsky Society.

Specialization: Russian literature, translation studies, works of Dostoevsky

SCOPUS Author ID: 26035259100 

Researcher ID: L-5971-2018

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8318-6856 

E-mail: krookatalin@freemail.hu

URL: http://szlavintezet.elte.hu/staff/kroo/Katalin_Kroo_en.shtml



Подосинов Александр Васильевич

Alexander V. Podosinov 
(Moscow, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ancient Languages, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Specialization: Russian literature, antiquity, Latin language, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome

eLibrary: 8709-7219

Researcher ID: AAR-7906-2020 

E-mail: podossinov@mail.ru

URL: http://www.hist.msu.ru/departments/8837/people/head/47426/



Павел Евгеньевич Фокин

Pavel E. Fokin
(Moscow, Russian Federation)

PhD, Head of the Department “Museum-Apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky”, The Russian Literary History State Museum Named After V. I. Dahl (State Literary Museum)

Specialization: Russian literature, Dostoevsky's work, scientific biography, museology

SCOPUS Author ID: 57350574300 

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4958-859X

E-mail: pfokin@mail.ru

URL: https://goslitmuz.ru/museums/moskovskij-dom-dostoevskogo/


Editorial Team


Ирина Святославовна Андрианова

Head of Editorial Office

Andrianova Irina Svyatoslavovna

PhD (Philology), Head of editorial, Director of the International Center for the Study of Dostoevsky, Associate Professor of the Department of Classical Philology, Russian Literature and Journalism, Institute of Philology, Petrozavodsk State University

Specialization: history of Russian literature, 19th century stenography, Russian journalism, textual criticism, publishing, literary and scientific editing

eLibrary: 2596-4193

SCOPUS Author ID: 57189872173

Researcher ID: ABF-3862-2020

ORCID: 0000-0002-5663-9140

E-mail: yarysheva@yandex.ru

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/287/andrianova



Любовь Викторовна Алексеева

Lyubov V. Alekseeva

PhD, editor, textual critic, Specialist of the International Center for the Study of Dostoevsky,  Institute of Philology, Petrozavodsk State University

Specialization: Dostoevsky's work, P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky's work, epistolary heritage, textual criticism

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/2098/alekseeva

E-mail: lempi@mail.ru



Дарья Дмитриевна Бучнева

Daria D. Buchneva

Editor of the International Center for the Study of Dostoevsky,  Institute of Philology, Petrozavodsk State University

Specialization: Dostoevsky's works, attribution, Russian journalism, history of Russian literature, textual criticism

eLibrary: 7808-0103

SCOPUS Author ID: 57350346900

Researcher ID: HKN-6879-2023

ORCID: 0000-0002-1990-3117

E-mail: darja.lammasjarvi@mail.ru

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/15719/butchneva



Елена Николаевна Вяль

Elena N. Vyal

Editor, textual critic, art editor, Specialist of the International Center for the Study of Dostoevsky,  Institute of Philology, Petrozavodsk State University

Specialization: epistolary heritage, publishing, Dostoevsky's work

eLibrary: 6816-7187

E-mail: muzi37@mail.ru

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/1399/vyal



Марина Владимировна Заваркина

Marina V. Zavarkina

PhD, editor, art editor, textual critic, Specialist of the International Center for the Study of Dostoevsky,  Institute of Philology, Petrozavodsk State University

Specialization: the works of Dostoevsky, the works of A. Platonov, publishing, historical poetics, textual criticism

eLibrary: 3590-9019

SCOPUS Author ID: 57200117761

Researcher ID: EYJ-3621-2022

ORCID: 0000-0001-7972-2265

E-mail: mvnikulina@mail.ru

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/74/zavarkina



Татьяна Викторовна Панюкова

Tatiana V. Panyukova

Textual critic, lead editor of the Web-lab at the Institute of Philology, Petrozavodsk State University

Specialization: textual criticism, Dostoevsky's works, genealogy, publishing, scientific and literary editing

eLibrary: 9537-5816

SCOPUS Author ID: 57971134800

Researcher ID: ABF-3887-2020

ORCID: 0000-0002-4494-4332

E-mail: aurinko75@mail.ru

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/84/panyukova



Валентина Сергеевна Зинкова

Valentina S. Zinkova

Art editor, researcher of Web-lab at the Institute of Philology, Petrozavodsk State University

Specialization: epistolary heritage, publishing, Dostoevsky's work

E-mail: va65le@mail.ru

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/1712/zinkova



Антон Викторович Храмых

Anton V. Khramykh

PhD, Specialist of the International Center for the Study of Dostoevsky, Associate Professor of the Department of Classical Philology, Russian Literature and Journalism, Institute of Philology, Petrozavodsk State University

Specialization: the works of A. P. Platonov the epistolary legacy of F. M. Dostoevsky and his circle

eLibrary: 7660-9798

SCOPUS Author ID: 57200123316 

Researcher ID: F-9587-2015

ORCID: 0000-0002-3434-0500

E-mail: prestoptz@yandex.ru

URL: https://petrsu.ru/persons/1683/khramykh

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