A favorable moral and psychological climate of children’s creative team as a condition for determining students’ social identity

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The paper characterizes the contribution of domestic and Western scientists to the study of social identity problem (A.V. Averchenko, I.V. Baryshnikova, L.V. Kalinina, A.V. Nechaev, D.P. Sidorenko, H. Arendt, J. Ranciere, H. Tajfel). The role of children’s creative team and favorable moral and psychological climate of children’s creative team in determining students’ social identity are outlined. The paper contains the results of the study of psychological climate of children’s creative team of the Russian folk instruments orchestra. The author also characterizes relations in the collective and students’ perception of themselves in the collective as members of the Russian folk instruments orchestra. The author also presents a process of formation of moral and psychological climate of children’s creative team in the context of value-meaningful and contextual approaches realization to create conditions for students’ social identity search and definition. The author has proposed types of lessons (informational, problem-based, discussion, double lecture, reflective, exploratory) and methods of educational and extracurricular creative activities that contribute to students’ social identity search and definition.

About the authors

Svetlana Sergeevna Smirnova

Samara State Institute of Culture

Author for correspondence.
Email: smirnovasvs@yandex.ru

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, acting head of Orchestral Instruments Department

Russian Federation


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