A categorical analysis of the «personality self-determination» concept in the context of the problem of students’ orientation towards moral self-determination

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The paper raises the problem of students’ orientation towards moral self-determination as one of the directions of moral education of students. The necessity of carrying out a categorical analysis of the «personality self-determination» concept to determine the content and methods of orientation of students towards moral self-determination is substantiated. Personality self-determination is considered at the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical levels of analysis. At the philosophical level of analysis, the essence of the «personality self-determination» phenomenon and the concept adequate to it is revealed; it consists in a person’s choice of certain actions and deeds in a given situation; shows the role of moral choice in the self-determination of the individual. At the psychological level of analysis, the author substantiates the relationship between the self-determination of the individual and the system of his/her relations (to the surrounding reality, other people and himself/herself), which determine the content of the personality’s position. At the pedagogical level of analysis, the self-determination of a person is associated with his/her choice of values, the source of which is his/her needs. The paper argues that the self-determination of a person is both a process and a result of a person’s choice of his/her own position, there is a choice of relations that form the content of a position, there is a choice of values, the focus on which constitutes the value orientations of a person, which become the core of self-determination. The author also has determined some practical pedagogical tasks, the solution of which is aimed at creating conditions for the orientation of students towards moral self-determination: the task of students’ moral principles development, which will ensure their choice of their position, goals and means of self-realization in life; the task of familiarizing students with the value of good, which is the essence of their ethical attitude to the world, to people and to themselves; the task of developing students’ ability to substantiate the foundations of moral choice and its principles to reflection.

About the authors

Oksana Konstantinovna Pozdnyakova

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: oksana.pozdnyakova@sgspu.ru

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Russian Federation


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