Profiled physical education: methodological basis

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The relevance of the presented material is due to the need to resolve the contradiction between the social need for «human capital» reproduction and creation and the insufficient methodological substantiation of the value potential of professional physical culture and profiled physical education in the upbringing of the essential cultural characteristics of the professional’s personality as a subject of «human capital». The subject of the research is the characteristics of profiled physical education components, while the goal is the methodological substantiation of profiled physical education in the upbringing of culturological characteristics of the professional’s personality. It is shown that the methodological basis was formed by the personality-oriented and cultural approaches to the organization of educational processes. It has been substantiated that in the reproduction of «human capital» one of the leading places is given to the values of professional physical culture with the targeted use of which an optimal ratio is achieved in correcting the bodily-mental-spiritual conditions of a person, his professionally important motor and personal needs and abilities. The author approves the statement that their quality-quantity reflects the development of the individual’s professional physical culture, the manifestation of the basic culture of the subject and, in general, characterizes the quality of «human capital». It is shown that one of the fundamental types of professional physical culture is profiled physical culture education as a specially organized and specific pedagogical process of development, training and education of professionally significant value orientations, motor and personal needs and abilities of the professional’s personality. It is substantiated that the structure of profiled physical education is represented by the following components: profiled physical education, upbringing and development, the implementation of which ensures the proper complexity and comprehensiveness in the development of the essential culturological characteristics of the professional’s personality as a subject of «human capital». The author claims that the main tasks of profiled physical education are the development of socially correct behavior experience; teaching professionally important (applied) motor skills and abilities; mastering the system of professionally oriented physical culture and sports knowledge and skills of physical culture self-improvement. Profiled physical education has the task of bringing the system of professionally important motor qualities to the proper state; reproduction and maintenance of professionally important personal properties and qualities; formation of a system of needs and motives in professionally oriented physical culture and sports self-improvement. Profiled physical culture development provides a solution to the problems of optimizing the main professionally important adaptive capabilities; correction of physical development and professionally important functional capabilities; development of professionally important mental processes and their types.

About the authors

Sergei Semenovich Korovin

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of Theory and Methodology of Sports Disciplines, Adaptive Physical Culture and Medical and Biological Foundations of Physical Education Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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