Modeling the assessment of the quality of students’ professional competencies development

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Vocational training of specialists in various fields is aimed at development of a complex of qualities and competencies necessary for future professional activities. The list of professional and general competencies is regulated by the State educational standard. The assessment of the level of competencies development is a measure of the quality of graduate training. The assessment of the quality of competencies development is a measure of the effectiveness of the educational institution work and its structural divisions. It is necessary for internal and external monitoring, adjustment of the pedagogical process and rating. This determines the importance of reliable and informative analysis of how developing factors influence the final result of training. The paper proposes an analytical method for determining the weight coefficient of each developing factor in the overall assessment of the level of professional competencies development. The possibility of its use in the analysis of learning problems at individual and group levels is substantiated. It is proposed to use a matrix of information representation and elements of matrix and vector analysis for processing statistical data. The author has developed a mathematical model that describes a complex process of professional competencies development in higher education institutions. Developing factors in this model are university departments. The possibilities of using the model are discussed. The ways of eliminating the problem of matrices dimensions mismatch when solving matrix equations are indicated. The paper contains examples of the proposed model use in other aspects of the education quality study. A method for determining the integral indicator of the quality of training in all disciplines is proposed. The main conclusions and results of the research can be used directly in the educational process, in the field of education management and in methodical work.

About the authors

Sergey Ivanovich Makarov

Samara State University of Economics

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of Higher Mathematics and Economic-Mathematical Methods Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Three-dimensional cube of the results of monitoring the formation of graduates' competencies

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