Ecological and coenotic groups of Orenburg Region vascular plants flora and biotopes phytoindication

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The expert and statistical assessment of ecological and coenotic groups of Orenburg Region vascular plants flora has been done for A.L. Bel’gards coenomorphs scheme and scheme of vascular plants flora of temperate forest zone of European Russia. The regimes of principal ecological factors have identified for detected groups of flora. Both suggested schemes of groups give adequate and similar assessment of biotopes, proposed groups of Orenburg Region vascular plants flora are identified in phytometer scales space definitely and its groups can used for regional assessment of biotopes. It has been established, that steppe coenomorph has extensive coenotic amplitude in Orenburg Region conditions and make petrophilic, chasmophilic, mountain and semi-desert vegetation elements also. Sylvant coenomorph has formed boreal and nemoral sciophytes and heliosciophytes and coenotic group of semiarid steppe forests has not specific biotopic and coenotic value. Pratal coenomorph has been made up humidity-meadow flora, dry-meadow coenotic group is not specific. For Orenburg Region is recommends using unite pratal (meadow) and paludal coenomorphs and separation coenotic group of oligotrophic bogs and ruderal coenomorph, the separation of mountain coenotic group is not confirmed statistical. The best assessment of ecological flora of region are realize by combined coenomorphs and coenotic group schemes approach at the same time. It has been established methodical problems of statistical methods using by phytoindication, problems of «transitional» coenotic groups and problem of wood species assessment in phytometer scales, which are require further researches.

About the authors

Nazar Nikolayevich Nazarenko

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of biological sciences, professor of Chemistry, Ecology and Chemistry Methodology Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Sergei Mikhailovich Pohlebaev

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University


doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of General Biology and Physiology Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Malaev

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University


candidate of geographical sciences, head of Geography and Geography Methodology Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Irina Anatolyevna Tretyakova

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of General Biology and Physiology Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Askhat Koblanovich Khodzhayev

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University


student of Natural Sciences and Technologies Faculty

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Dendrogram of the distribution of cenomorphs (left) and ECG (right) in factor space according to the matrix of the square of the Mahalanobis distance (shown on the dendrogram)

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3. Figure 2 - Ordination of cenomorphs (left) and ECG (right) in the space of the first discriminant functions (Root1 and Root2)

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Copyright (c) 2021 Nazarenko N.N., Pohlebaev S.M., Malaev A.V., Tretyakova I.A., Khodzhayev A.K.

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