Educational practice of students – prospective teachers in the context of distance learning

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The paper raises the problem of effective organization of pedagogical practice of students – prospective teachers in general and educational practice, in particular. The goal and the tasks of educational practice correlating with it are given (practice for obtaining primary professional skills, including primary skills and research skills). The experience of organizing this type of practice in the context of distance learning is presented. The tasks offered to students in a distance format are described: drawing up characteristics of an educational institution, identifying individual and personal characteristics of the teaching style of a foreign language teacher, analyzing activities of the subjects of the educational process at the lesson, assessing professionally significant qualities of the teacher, analysis of the educational process at the lesson, developing a plan outline of educational activities, analysis of educational activities, analysis of students’ activities in extracurricular educational work to achieve personal results indicated in the federal state educational standard of basic general education, analysis of pedagogical situations, reflective analysis of educational practice. The analysis of the reflexive part of students’ reports whose practice was in distant (2020) and full-time (2019) forms is carried out, and the peculiarities of students’ assessment of their activities within the framework of two forms of educational practice are revealed. The authors reveal what aroused particular interest among the students, what they thought they had learned, what caused the difficulties. The pros and cons of conducting educational practice (practice for obtaining primary professional skills, including primary skills and research skills) in a distant format are substantiated. The paper argues the position about the importance of real interaction with students and school teachers in the context of educational practice for the effectiveness of professional training of prospective teachers.

About the authors

Oksana K. Pozdnyakova

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Elena V. Kuleshova

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2020 Pozdnyakova O.K., Kuleshova E.V.

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