The problem of the individual’s active civil position development in pedagogical literature

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The significance of educating students in the value attitude to a person, family, society, the state, the homeland, their readiness for social activity to act independently, actualizes the search for effective means of the student’s active civil position development. This paper discusses the features of school students’ active civil position development in pedagogical literature and practice. The author considers such concepts as «active citizenship», «citizenship» and «social activity». The paper emphasizes that the issues of educating a person who is interested in the fate of the Fatherland are highlighted in the works of various researchers, thinkers and teachers. Tracing the history of school students’ active civil position development in pedagogical science, the paper notes that in the 90s of the 20th century in Russia the society had to overcome a number of crisis situations in the socio-political and socio-economic life. As a result, an ideal of a free personality was created; it was believed to be «liberated» from habitual values, from national traditions and any obligations to society. The paper considers three types of civil position: passive, situational and active. Three main components of a civil position are distinguished: cognitive, active, and evaluative-emotional.

About the authors

Olga N. Pets

Kuzbass Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Education Workers

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Psychological and Socio-Pedagogical Support of General and Special (Correctional) Education Department

Russian Federation, Kemerovo


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