The development of youth spirituality in the modern realities of Russian society

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This paper discusses the problems that inhibit the development of spirituality in the youth, shows the role of educational institutions for young people’s moral stability development, reveals a personal paradigm that initiates self-actualization and improvement of students for socialization in modern Russian society. The paper analyzes the problems of spirituality and intelligence development in Russian universities. It is argued that the presence of spirituality creates a barrier to destructive social phenomena, while intelligence represents the internal and external culture, dignity and morality of the individual. The paper emphasizes that spirituality and intelligence should be protected by the individual from the destructive influence of the criminal environment and dubious offers. Students relying on the theory of reactance must learn to say «no». It is noted that according to students the significant components of spirituality are the desire to develop their country, national virtues, the less significant ones are the willingness to sacrifice personal interests for the interests of the fatherland. The role of a comfortable psychological environment in the development of self-education, self-criticism, self-actualization of student youth is shown. It is postulated that an educated person respects other people, recognizes their intrinsic value, originality, meaning and dignity.

About the authors

Lyubov Konstantinovna Fortova

Vladimir State University


doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of Personality Psychology and Special Pedagogical Disciplines Department

Russian Federation, Vladimir

Anna Mikhailovna Yudina

Vladimir State University


candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of General and Pedagogical Psychology Department

Russian Federation, Vladimir

Natalya Ivanovna Evsyukova

Vladimir State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and Primary Education Department

Russian Federation, Vladimir


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Copyright (c) 2020 Fortova L.K., Yudina A.M., Evsyukova N.I.

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