The historical experience of teacher classes organization in Russian schools (in the Orenburg Region as an example)

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This paper discusses a historical experience of teacher classes creation and development in Russian schools. It describes teacher classes organization in different historical periods, starting from the 18th century to the present (the Orenburg Region is taken as an example). In the 20-30s of the 20th century «pedagogical classes» of second-level schools were introduced since there was a huge demand for teachers for first-level schools as well as a high demand for their network expanding and students’ training improvement. The author notes that this practice corresponded to its time, aroused keen interest among the pedagogical community, the public education authority, practicing teachers, methodologists and students who belonged to groups with a pedagogical orientation. The author makes a special emphasis on the 1970-1990s development of pedagogical classes. As an example the author considers the experience of pedagogical classes activities organization by Vologda teachers who actively collaborated with local pedagogical universities. The author also considers Moscow schools where a differentiated approach was practiced, taking the level of students’ educational abilities into account. Making the transition to the modern situation in the sphere of professional orientation towards pedagogical professions, the author highlights features of the changed approaches, in particular, the emphasis is on the person choosing a profession, on supporting the choice of a life position, on helping to determine the educational trajectory that an individual needs. To solve the problems identified in the paper the author thinks that it is necessary to return to the experience of the past, taking into account the peculiarities of modern times, the revival of the teaching classes, an attempt to determine their status and form. The author presents her own vision of the essence of pedagogical classes based on the experience of their organization in the Orenburg Region.

About the authors

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Bugakova

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Pedagogy and Sociology Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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