Quality management of higher education in the context of digitalization

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This paper discusses the main scientific results of the study associated with the introduction of a new understanding of higher education quality management in pedagogical science related to the digitalization of the educational process at the university. The point is that when a student interacts with other subjects of the educational process, conditions are provided in which the student can realize his or her importance as a subject of the educational process, as a person who models the process of knowing his or her future professional activity, as a future member of the professional community. This allows the student to see the paths of his or her development, to identify key areas in self-organization of activities, in self-development of individual characteristics and personality traits. The implementation of the «manage-help» scheme, coming to replace the «influencing» scheme, ensures the participation of the student in building an individual learning path, in the choice of «customized» forms, methods and technologies of professional training in accordance with individual capabilities, needs and abilities. The research result is the development and scientific justification of the digital quality management system of higher education in the interactive intellectual environment developed by the author. The developed system allows the student to «move away» from the existing templates and stamps of professional activity, expands his or her opportunities in development (and self-development) and creativity at university.

About the authors

Ksenia Leonidovna Polupan

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Email: kpolupan@kantiana.ru

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Institute of Education, head of the Educational Process Support Service

Russian Federation, Kaliningrad


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Comparative characteristics of "digital" and traditional quality management in education

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