Development of senior preschool children’s readiness for social orientation in the organizations of additional education

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This paper considers development of senior preschool children’s readiness for social orientation in the organizations of additional education. On the basis of psychological and pedagogical literature analysis the authors substantiate key concepts of the research and consider possibilities of additional education organizations for social activities development. The concept of «readiness for social orientation» is defined in the logic of socio-cultural, systemic, activity, anthropological approaches and is characterized as a property of the individual, allowing to design an indicative basis of social and household activities and implement all its types. In this paper «additional education» is considered as a tool for the development of socially significant qualities of the individual, providing social adaptation to the pace of social and technological change. The organization of additional education for preschool children ensures the unity of the processes of education, training and development of the child. The paper presents the results of designing the substantive and procedural aspects of social orientation readiness development. The experimental research was conducted on the basis of the Extended Day Centre in the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev. In this organization there is a developing educational environment where a complex interaction of experts (teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist, social teacher, teacher-defectologist) provides equal «starting» opportunities for all children of preschool age in the aspect of social and household adaptation. The study showed that the developed content of the program circle with a focus on social orientation, implemented with preschoolers in the individual and group form of developing methods and means of training, provided the dynamics of mastering the readiness for social activities.

About the authors

Natalia Vladimirovna Ryabova

Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of Special Pedagogy and Medical Basics of Defectology Department

Russian Federation, Saransk

Elena Vasilyevna Barcaeva

Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev


senior lecturer of Special Pedagogy and Medical Basics of Defectology Department

Russian Federation, Saransk


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Copyright (c) 2019 Ryabova N.V., Barcaeva E.V.

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