University students’ behavioral culture development by means of personality-oriented education technologies

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The paper substantiates that one of the ways to solve the problem of university students’ behavioral culture development is to use technologies of personality-oriented education. The specificity of actions-words and deeds-actions in human behavior is indicated. The distinction between the action-operation (considered without regard to its moral and moral significance) and the action-action (considered from the point of view of moral and moral value) is revealed. It justifies the effectiveness of technologies of personality-oriented education to form a culture of student behavior through an appeal to the main provisions of the paradigm of personality-oriented education: a statement on the values of personality-oriented education (personality, culture, creativity), a statement on the goal of a personality-oriented education (education of a culture person whose natural, social and cultural essence is interrelated); position about the functions of personality-oriented education (humanitarian, cultural, integrating). The specificity of personality-oriented education is shown. The triad «Task - Dialogue - Game» is considered as a base of technologies of personality-oriented education. The author gives examples of games built using the technologies of personality-oriented education and contributing to students’ behavioral culture development (the game «Verbal behavior (confident, uncertain and rude)»; the game «Non-verbal forms of confident, uncertain, rude behavior»; the game «Self-esteem»; discussion game «Be able to feel a person next to you»; a game-metaphor, a game of self-criticism, a game - the choice of tactics).

About the authors

Anzhelika Nikolaevna Tsepkova

Samara State University of Economics

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer of Higher Mathematics and Economic-Mathematical Methods Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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