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This paper reports the results of studying flora of the natural monument “Nicolskaya sopka”. The vascular flora is represented by 149 species belonging to 110 genus and 42 families, adventive component is 26.17%. “Nicolskaya sopka” is the complex, natural and historical monument of regional value including the Nikolskaya hill and the Signalnyi cape with a total area of 25,5 hectares. The natural complex of a monument is protected since 1980. The flora of vascular plants is presented by 149 species relating to 110 genus and 42 families, the adventive component makes 26,17%. The highest position in a range of the leading families of flora of the Nikolskay hill is held by Asteraceae and Poaceae. The prevailing vital form is herbaceous perennial polycarpic, hemicryptophytes. The prevailing group in relation to light are heliophytes (53,69%), sciophytes are 5,36%. Umbraticolous plants make 40,93% of flora. In relation to extent of moistening the prevailing group are mesophytes (87,25%). The boreal component of the studied flora is presented by 105 species (70,47%). The most part of polyzonal species are adventive. Of longitude groups most represented are Eurasian (19.46%), Circumpolar (16.78%), Far East (16.11%) and Eurasian-American (14.09%). Adventive species are represented mainly Eurasian elements. Set of the leading families, prevalence of mesophytic ecotypes and boreal habitat type show boreal character of flora, which corresponds to the zonal position of the city. The state of the natural complex of the park requires monitoring because of active recreational use of the territory.

About the authors

Elizaveta Alexandrovna Devyatova

Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University

Email: DevyatovaEA@mail.ru

post-graduate student of department of biology and chemistry

Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University, str. Pogranichnaya, 4, 683032, Petropavlovsk- Kamchatsky, Russia.

Anastasiy Alexandrovna Vyunova

Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University

Email: vnastya14@mail.ru

student of faculty of psychology and pedagogics

Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University, str. Pogranichnaya, 4, 683032, Petropavlovsk- Kamchatsky, Russia.

Larisa Mikhailovna Abramova

Botanical Garden-Institute Ufa Scientific Centre Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: abramova.lm@mail.ru

doctor of biological sciences, professor, head of the laboratory of wild flora and introduction of herbaceous plants

: Botanical Garden-Institute Ufa Scientific Centre Russian Academy of Sciences str. Mendeleeva, 195, 450080, Ufa, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2015 Devyatova E.A., Vyunova A.A., Abramova L.M.

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