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In the study, we investigated the association of polymorphic locus CMA 1/B (G1903A) with indicators of oxygen transport system of the body. To determine the nucleotide substitutions in the gene CMA1/B, we used RFLP- analysis, PCR products were digested with the restriction enzyme BstXI. Analysis of the distribution of frequencies of alleles and genotypes CMA1/B showed statistically significant differences in the frequency of polymorphic variants of genotypes between athletes and controls. Athletes have predominant genotype A/A (0,52), and G/G (0,4), whereas in the control group, the most common genotype A/G (0,58). Using factor analysis, we revealed differences in the structure of the association between indicators of oxygen transport system depending on the genotype of the gene CMA. It was revealed the association of polymorphic gene variants with red blood parameters, hemodynamic and respiratory systems, as well as with physical endurance and tolerance to the muscular load. The closest connection between the studied traits detected at polymorphic variants CMA A/A. At this genotype physical endurance largely depends on the state of the circulatory system and the respiratory system functional reserves. It was also shown the correlation between adaptive capabilities of cardiovascular system and efficiency of the heart functioning with the level of motor activity. The interaction complex of the features that characterize the activities of the cardiorespiratory system, system, causes the formation of the final phenotype, which obviously explains the detected frequency distribution of different genotypes in athletes.

About the authors

Albina Zufarovna Dautova

Bashkir State University

Author for correspondence.

post-graduate student of the department of human physiology and zoology

Bashkir State University, str. Zaki Validi, 32, 450076, Ufa, Russia

Valentina Gusmanovna Shamratova

Bashkir State University


doctor of biological sciences, professor of the department of human physiology and zoology

Bashkir State University, str. Zaki Validi, 32, 450076, Ufa, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2015 Dautova A.Z., Shamratova V.G.

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