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Aerobic, facultative anaerobic hydrolytic bacteria are widespread in the sediments and microbial mats of alkaline hot springs in Baikal region (Buryatia). Typical representatives of hydrolytic bacteria are alkalotermophylic bacilli which are capable of utilizing organic matter in alkaline hot spring waters. Two pure cultures of bacteria growing on acetate, pyruvate and soetone were isolated from the microbial mat of Baikal region thermal springs (Buryatia). These strains were non-sporeforming straight or curved rods that morphologically similar to the representatives of the genus Meiothermus. Bacteria on agar medium formed small smooth pink colonies. Ecophysiological properties of isolates are studied (with respect to temperature and pH). Optimal growth temperature of culture Um-14-2-1 was 450C, the temperature range was 35-600C. The temperature range of strain Al-14-3 was 30-60ºC, with an optimum 50 °C. The pH range of strain Um-14-2-1 is 6.5 to 9.5, the optimum of 8.0. The pH range of strain Al-14-3 is 6.5 to 9.5, the optimum of 8.5. Two thermophilic heterotrophic bacteria are similar to the genus Meiothermus by morphophysiological properties and the ability to thermophile, and are moderate thermophiles.

About the authors

Valentina Grygoryevna Budagaeva

Institute of General and Experimental Biology

Author for correspondence.

graduate student at Laboratory of Microbiology

Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS, str. Sakhyanovoy, 6, Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russia

Darima Dondokovna Barkhutova

Institute of General and Experimental Biology, SB, RAS


Candidate of Biological Sciences

Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS, str. Sakhyanovoy, 6, Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2015 Budagaeva V.G., Barkhutova D.D.

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