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The article reflects the study results of aboriginal flora and the phytocenotic state of natural landmark «Semistozhky» (Stavropol height) communities. In the studied territory not less than 210 species of vascular plants are registered, among which 11 subjects are protected in this region (sub endemic, xerothermic relicts, vulnerable and strenuously exploited types). The studied steppe complex of the natural locality «Semistozhky» differs in a noticeable variety of the mastered habitats. A certain background in distribution of flora and vegetation of the studied landscape create the different characteristics of local soils and climates. Contrast of manifestation of local conditions is connected with an exposition and the steepness of slopes, composition of soils, and finds reflection on the mode warm and moisture security of edaphotop of the natural boundary. On slopes of hills virgin motley-sod grasses and meadow polydominant remarkable steppe communities are preserved. The herbage is difficult arranged and more-layered. Change of specific structure of sublevels of herbage happens during the whole vegetative season. The basis of herbage is made of xerophytes and mezoxerophytes. The most of xerophyt vegetation area extends on the slopes, southern, east and intermediate to them. Communities of the southern slopes are put by densely tufted sod and motley grasses. On destruction products of maternal breed (sandstone, calcicrete) and regional sites of plateau free serial communities from psammo-petrophyt group are developed.

About the authors

Victor Nikolaevich Belous

North-Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Life Sciences

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Botany, Zoology and General Biology North-Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Life Sciences, Stavropol (Russia)

North-Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Life Sciences, str. Pushkina, 1, Stavropol, 355009, Russi


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Copyright (c) 2015 Belous V.N.

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