Contests of concept «art-composition» in context of XXI century art education

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The article discusses the concept of «art composition», that functioning in practice music teachers, teachers of fine arts and literature, teachers of choreography and theater. However, the theoretical foundation of art-composition and content of the concept has not yet been the subject of a special study. At the same time, comprehension of innovative approach in educating to the art, maintenance of artistic education characterized by an orientation on studying – man with a modern world view, it is necessary. A necessity of enriching of thesaurus of school pedagogics was clear, actual terms, «art composition» behaves to the number of that. This study contributes to the problem of a more general nature – the possibility of using polyart creative activities as a means of identification and learning of gifted children. The originality of the art-composition – in the innovative thinking of the modern author, whose seeking to portray the world is not the way it sees, but the way it understands. Results of the creative work can be presented in different art forms, not excluding sketches, improvisations, postmodern «games» with the text. The pedagogical value of the art-composition: the teacher can visually track the progress of the child in the field of aesthetic perception, associative thinking and the work with the material.

About the authors

Larisa Yurievna Kalinina

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Chair of Musical Education

Russian Federation, Samara


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